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    A business builder fullspeed
    onwards and upwards.

    Jenny Sander, Nexer Infrastructure.

    Jenny Sander has worked with sales and company             – In connection with that merger, I felt that it was time
        building in the IT and consulting industry for         to start something new. I saw the potential of reclaiming
    over 20 years. She is passionate about creating            the IT technician business from the staffing industry,
    relationships, making deals, building companies and        says Jenny about the company she started then, which
    establishing a good and productive corporate culture.      now is Nexer Infrastructure. They deliver consulting
    Jenny is currently the CEO of Nexer Infrastructure,        services and commitments in support, operations and
    which is the third company she has been involved           IT infrastructure. Today, they’re 130 consultants and
    in building. After studying business Administration        have a turnover of approximately 85 million.
    in Karlstad, she got a job at Ericsson Radio System.
    But it wouldn’t take long until Jenny started up              Jenny’s passion for building companies is clear,
    Mediatude, her first company. A collaboration with         as is her non-stop trajectory onwards and upwards,
    Ericsson Venture focussed on WAP technology and            especially considering the impressive results that
    Position-Based Marketing.                                  Nexer Infrastructure has been delivering.
    – I think we got on the WAP bandwagon too fast;            – I’m business-driven, enthusiastic and good at
    mobile users weren’t ready for it yet, says Jenny          building a corporate culture, but I’m also straightfor-
    about her pioneering work in Mediatude.                    ward and goal-oriented. I think it’s important to see
                                                               everyone, to really see the person behind the employee
       She went on to work at Elan IT, Manpower’s IT           and what needs and driving forces they have,” says
    company. But after a while, Jenny was driven to start      Jenny about her leadership style.
    something big and new, and in 2005 she was involved
    in starting Dfind.                                            “Onwards and upwards” are the keywords here.
    – We drove it up to 700 employees and then in 2013         Jenny’s ambition is that five years from now, Nexer
    it was sold. And when my boss at Dfind, Martin Hans-       Infrastructure will have grown even bigger and will
    son started working at Sigma IT, I got the opportunity     boast an annual turnover of half a billion Swedish
    to follow him and start a new business within Sigma.       kronor. It will have a presence in numerous locations
    It sounded exciting, and I like the entrepreneurial        in Sweden as well as internationally, in countries such
    drive here. So, I’m very happy that I made the leap, says  as Germany and Norway. Jenny also sees herself
    Jenny about how she ended up in the Danir Group.           having a number of successful and driven business
                                                               area managers and new offerings within her niche.
       With her experience from the staffing industry,         – I also think that we will have brought in another
    Jenny was an obvious choice to help build Sigma            CEO who can help the company with further expan-
    Society, a company that mediated assignments within        sion. So that I can focus strategically and on sales/
    Sigma to sub-consultants. Three years later, they had      new establishment. When I reflect on my strengths,
    gone from 60 to 300 sub-consultants. That’s when           it’s clear that I’m best at seeing business opportu-
    Danir acquired Assistera, and after merging with           nities, building companies and helping employees
    Sigma Society, A Society was formed. It has 1,500          thrive, Jenny concludes when she talks about how
    sub-consultants in its stable.                             she sees her own future.
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