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DANIR 2021 | Our sub-groups                                                                                      24


    Nexer got off to a great
    start in its first year.

When Nexer left the Sigma group in early 2021            and shape their future strengthens our offerings of
         and became a subsidiary of their own within     innovative tech solutions. And the strong growth in
the Danir group, the aim was to create something         Asia, Europe, and the United States and acquisitions
new and even better. An entrepreneurial tech com-        in the United Kingdom and Brazil enhance our ability
pany of the future that leads the digital revolution     to help even more customers.
and is a long-term strategic partner to our customers.
The success has been immediate, and our goal of             Nexer is a committed Microsoft partner. A long-
growing both economically and geographically got off     established and well-regarded collaboration has
to a great start. Our growth target is to reach          led to several awards from Microsoft, including
SEK 5 billion in sales by 2025, and we are already       Country Partner of the Year (in Sweden and Brazil),
well on our way.                                         Most Innovative Solutions, Business Insight and
                                                         Dynamics awards.
Nexer is a global full-service provider with experts in     Our customers are leading in their sectors such
strategy, technology, and communication. Through         as manufacturing, retail, automotive, life science,
building long-term partnerships with our customers,      logistics, public sector, and finance. Examples of
their success flows from our strategic advice and        assignments that we do together with our customers
targeted analysis, where we transform strategy           are the development of AI solutions to save lives on
into reality, delivering digital transformation and      construction sites or ensure high-quality manufac-
implementing tech solutions of the future. This is       turing; technology for self-driving cars; IT tools for
complemented by modern communication solu-               vaccine development; sustainable logistic solutions;
tions and change management, talent programmes           reduced return handling in e-commerce; future-proof
and recruitment services. All in all, we establish an    skills through recruitment and talent programmes.
ecosystem that allows us to meet the diverse needs       These are some of our daily services, collaborating
of our customers. Our work is conducted in an agile      with our customers to develop their businesses and
way, with a proactive approach that drives customers     drive their digitalisation forward.
forwards and upwards through digitalisation and
technology. We combine on-site experts at our            GROUP CEO
customers’ premises with projects and managed
services, teams, and near/offshore deliveries, in areas  Lars Kry
such as cloud, AI/data science, R&D and engineering,     +46 733-43 43 00
embedded systems, e-commerce, ERP systems,     
cybersecurity and more. Together we’re making a
difference and creating a better future.                 WEB

   Our merger with Kairos Future, a leading    
consulting and analytics firm that supports leaders
worldwide and helps organisations understand
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