Page 35 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
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Our sub-groups | DANIR 2021


    THE YEAR IN BRIEF                                                      OR EMVSEÄNTUT EN I2N0G1 72-021062-12 0 2 0          MMS KE KR
    The past year at Poolia has been characterised by a
    strong sales culture and organic growth. Our market                    1,958  1,943         340                     407    15,90000
    shares have increased, and we are increasing our                        230    270         1,679                   1,463
    profitability. The company’s strong entrepreneurship
    has meant that service development has continued,                      20167  20187        20189                   202109  20210
    and we have initiated a national effort to attract
    customers and staff within life science and started
    Poolia Life Science. Our investment in Poolia IT
    Cloud, where we offer IT architects and developers,
    has continued to grow. We now have 50 consultants
    here. We also initiated recruiting foreign IT staff
    to Swedish companies, where we also provide
    courses in Swedish language and on Swedish
    society and culture.

    ANNUAL GROWTH RATE                                                                   EMPLOYEES, FTE

                                                                                         3,400                                 +30%

    30% -1% -1%

    To ta l gro wth rat e  To t a l gr o wt h ra t e  Organic growth rate                2021                                  3,400
    2020-2021              2016-2021                  2016-2021                          2020                                  2,625
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40