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DANIR 2021 | Our sub-groups                                                                                                                                                32


    “Worklife of tomorrow.”

Poolia is a staffing, consulting and recruitment          DIGITALISED CANDIDATE FLOW
     company with expertise in finding and matching       During this past year, we took great strides forward
competencies. Since our founding 30 years ago, we         in our work to automate the influx of qualified
have had a singular focus: helping companies and          candidates. We have internationalised our success-
organisations with the recruitment and staffing of        ful digital job advertising service, Poolia Social
qualified, competent people.                              Media Boost. It is an advertising service that uses an
                                                          algorithm to ensure that job advertisements reach
     “Our detailed tests identify                         relevant people, even if they are not actively looking
      driving forces and ambitions,                       for work. We’ve also integrated the database of our
      allowing us to find the person-                     subsidiary Student Node, which contains university
      ality that correctly matches the                    and college students, with the job advertisements on
      requirements and needs of our                       Poolia’s website. This means that students continu-
      customers.”                                         ously receive relevant offers for exciting jobs.

This delimitation is our forte and has given us exten-    GROUP CEO
sive experience within a range of specialist areas.
We understand our companies and their business            Jan Bengtsson
environment, and we know what is demanded of              +46 736-00 68 10
their employees. With a quality-assured process,
leading digital tools and a unique selection philosophy,
we deliver the best candidates and consultants to         WEB
our customers.
   Our vision, “Worklife of tomorrow”, demonstrates
our understanding of our customers’ future compe-
tence needs. One of the keys to a successful company
is putting the right individuals in the right place. Our
detailed tests identify driving forces and ambitions,
allowing us to find the personality that correctly
matches the requirements and needs of our custom-
ers. We will also continue our digital journey and
thereby become even more accurate in our delivery
to our customers.

Poolia is listed on the stock exchange. Poolia has not provided a financial forecast for 2021, nor has Danir drawn up a forecast. The figures to the right showing number
of employees is the actual average number as of Q3 2021, with the addition of a 6% growth in Q4 2021, which corresponds to the average quarterly growth during the
12-month period of Q4 2020-Q3 2021. The figure to the right for sales in 2021 is the actual turnover during Q1-Q3 2021, with the addition of actual turnover in Q4
2020, increased by 36%, which corresponds to growth in Q3 2021 vs. Q3 2020. This estimate is not based on any forward-looking information from Poolia and has not
been discussed with any Poolia representatives.
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