Page 38 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
P. 38

DANIR 2021 | Our sub-groups                                                                                         36


    A bright future for the
    group’s crown jewels.

Thanda consists of companies in tourism, the              Thanda Island, our business in Tanzania, was not
     hospitality business, the hotel industry and prop-   entirely unscathed by the effects of COVID-19,
erty development registered in South Africa, Tanzania     but it has proven to be a safe “bubble-to-bubble”
and Malta. We have two crown jewels: Thanda Safari        destination. Enquiries have also started to increase
in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, a private safari game     and there is a renewed enthusiasm and optimism
reserve consisting of 14,000 hectares, and Thanda         on the island, especially with the launch of our new
Island, an exclusive use private island located in its    package prices for the exclusive use of the island, our
own marine nature reserve off the coast of Tanzania.      own helicopter transport, and access to a superyacht
Both are exclusive, five-star establishments and          during the stay.
members of the prestigious “Leading Hotels of the
World”. The group also includes Thanda Classic               Moving forward, one of our most important goals
Cruise, a well maintained “lady”. The vessel was built    for Thanda Island is to offer even more to our guests.
in Wales in 1930 and has had many famous people on        A helicopter has been purchased, enabling us to offer
board including Winston Churchill and Madonna. At         more efficient and better transport service. We are
these facilities we offer outstanding service, fantastic  also investigating the possibility of more excursions
accommodation, and unforgettable experiences.             that guests can add to their stay. These can range
                                                          from day trips to the spice markets of Zanzibar,
INNOVATIVE CHANGES TO TACKLE LIFE                         excursions to Mafia Island and Chole Bay for com-
WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS                                      munity involvement or diving trips, expeditions to
The consequences of COVID-19 have continued               Uganda for gorilla trekking, visiting the Victoria Falls
to negatively affect the hospitality industry. Unfor-     or the best Safari Lodges in the Serengeti.
tunately, Thanda Safari was hit hard by continued
restrictive travel regulations and border closures,          In South Africa, we have begun with the first phase
which have made them heavily dependent on                 of the development of Thanda Royal Residences,
bookings from South African guests. Unfortunately,        which involves the construction of luxury villas that
this has resulted in reduced revenues and yield. The      will be available only to the owners as part of an
introduction of Thanda Starlight Productions, which       international lifestyle members club by invitation
organises events such as wellness weekends, wine          only, or alternatively included in our rental pool for
evenings and bird banding events, has proven to be        Thanda Safari guests. This exciting project has many
popular. These events have attracted new guests who       long-term benefits for Thanda Safari and the Thanda
do not usually visit Thanda Safari. We have also man-     Group. Not only does it help to increase the number
aged to reduce our costs, although unfortunately this     of available rooms for other guests, but it also gives
has meant a reduction in the number of employees.         the owners a legacy investment and the opportunity
                                                          to earn money from their houses while simultane-
   October 2021 was our best month ever, so we are        ously contributing to increased employment for the
cautiously optimistic that travel regulations will begin  people of the region.
to ease and that our international guests will be able
to visit us again next year.                              WEB

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