Page 42 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
P. 42

DANIR 2021 | Our additional holdings                                                                            40

BrainLit’s future is bright.

BrainLit develops and manufactures light environ-         We have witnessed first-hand the commitment and
      ments using its BioCentric Lighting technology.     drive of its employees and management team. We
This technology simulates the daylight that controls      have long been interested in having a larger stake
our natural circadian rhythm and has a major impact       in the company. The positive development in most
on our well-being. There is ample documentation           markets, together with a new share issue, have now
that points to BrainLit’s positive impact on the health,  paved the way and made it possible for Danir to
well-being and productivity of people who work,           assume greater ownership. With our increased stake
study or spend time in premises illuminated using         in the company, we are one of the three largest main
biocentric lighting.                                      owners of BrainLit.

    BrainLit’s products are based on two Nobel            WEB
Prize-winning discoveries: the impact of the circadian
rhythm and the white LED light. The technology and
the company’s biocentric lighting were developed
by a research team in Lund, and the first patent was
submitted back in 2012. BrainLit's patent portfolio
has grown and the company now also sells an auto-
mated and safe solution for disinfection that creates
safer and healthier environments by effectively
killing SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and other pathogens.
Suitable for spaces like toilets and changing rooms.

    Danir has been with BrainLit since 2018, allowing
us to closely follow the evolution of this exciting
and innovative company. In the Nordic region, SOS
Alarm, Swedbank, Airbus and Sony, among others,
have chosen BrainLit's lighting environments. And
together with Arjo, they deliver specially adapted
solutions in healthcare. 2021 started well for
BrainLit. They signed several major agreements
in the North American market, including with a
market-leading healthcare company that has over
1,000 points of sale and extensive integrated sales.
BrainLit's product ALVEN, launched during the
pandemic 2020, is another very interesting product,
made for offices, the at-home workplace or other
indoor places where you spend a lot of time. ALVEN
has started to generate much interest in both the
Nordic market as well as in the USA.

    Here at Danir, the great development and advances
that BrainLit has made during the time we have been
involved in the company come as no surprise.
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