Page 43 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
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41                                                         Our additional holdings | DANIR 2021

    Aptio – a different kind of
    consulting company.

    Aptio Group assists companies with execution,          organisation behind us that supports us with the
          interpretation and advice related to regulatory  skills and guidance each assignment demands.
    and/or industry-specific tasks and processes.
    These processes or tasks can be found either in legal     When you hire a consultant from Aptio Group,
    texts and/or in various standards. We work cross-      you’re hiring more than just a single person. Your
    functionally, handling issues within a company’s       on-site consultant can get help from her or his
    various processes, such as production, product         colleagues throughout the work process, at no extra
    development, research, testing and purchasing.         cost to the customer. This means that our customers
                                                           get a unique solution developed using a broader
       Aptio Group was founded in Malmö in 2017 and        competence base than what an individual consultant
    has been an independent group within Danir since       could ever offer.
    2021. Today, we have offices at three different
    addresses in Sweden and Denmark and have sur-             In order to operate as a specialist consulting
    passed 100 co-workers. By September of this year,      company, Aptio Group has chosen to only engage
    our annual turnover for 2021 had already exceeded      senior employees with at least ten years of expe-
    SEK 100 million.                                       rience in the service area. Our focus is on tackling
                                                           challenging tasks and creating solutions that add
       Our deeply committed quality consultants share      value for the customer. That’s why we work with
    their knowledge and experience with customers          modern and innovative models for management and
    and colleagues. They help and support each other       staff motivation. Indeed, our personnel are highly
    in each assignment, so that customers always have      involved in our business development, including
    indirect access to more than one consultant’s skills   through “employeeship” and “Servant leadership”.
    and experience. At Aptio Group, we pride ourselves
    on ensuring that our deliveries meet our customers’    WEB
    expectations, or even surpass them. We always do
    our utmost to achieve this. We also have the entire
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