Page 45 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
P. 45

Our additional holdings | DANIR 2021


    InfoTech Scandinavia

    We are an established supplier with extensive          Nordic region’s leader in information management in
    experience in information management within a          regulatory environments. We are aiming to build up
    number of industries and regulatory environments.      a substantial delivery organisation. Moreover, we are
    We develop, support and sell the Advantum informa-     currently developing a new version of our software
    tion management platform. We also offer complete       as well as new, preset configurations that allow us
    solutions for installation and training, as well as    to meet the demands of both existing and future
    configurations that are customised to suit the needs   customers and industries. We have also launched
    of the customer.                                       Advantum as a service to several customers, and
                                                           we can witness good interest in it on the market.
       A stable start to 2021 with many new projects run-  Our ambition is to grow by 10-15% per year over
    ning gave us solid ground to build upon. Many of the   the next three years.
    deals we made at the beginning of the year bore fruit
    during the autumn, and we are moving towards a
    strong end to the year. Our strategy is to become the


                                                           From our headquarters in Malmö, Radinn continues
                                                           its global growth journey. The reception of their
                                                           electric surfboards has been overwhelmingly posi-
                                                           tive. Despite the pandemic, the company has seen a
                                                           threefold increase in volume and sales compared to
                                                           2020. Because they’re easy to use and make it easy
                                                           to quickly develop one’s skills, Radinn’s boards are
                                                           popular with both beginners and more advanced
                                                           surfers. Many water sports require specific weather
                                                           conditions in terms of waves or wind, but in Radinn’s
                                                           case all you need is a body of water – be it a lake, a
                                                           river or a sea. It’s a fantastic feeling to glide over the
                                                           water at 55 km/h, in complete silence. A feeling that
                                                           more people seem to want to experience, because
                                                           demand is growing all the time. This creates challenges
                                                           for the organisation, which struggles daily to solve
                                                           tasks related to everything from sourcing to customer
                                                           care and transport. These pleasant problems will
                                                           all be solved, allowing Radinn to continue to surf on
                                                           the wave of strong growth. Furthermore, an exciting
                                                           journey awaits with the continued development of
                                                           the company’s digital business, made possible by the
                                                           connected and digital infrastructure that we’ve built
                                                           up around and in our products.
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