Page 46 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
P. 46

DANIR 2021 | Our additional holdings


HubPark                                                Continued planning has been conducted for Ocean-
                                                       hamnen in Helsingborg, where construction is
Hub Park is a young real estate company with a focus   scheduled to start immediately after the H22 City
on developing sustainable mobility facilities rather   Expo in August 2022.
than just building “traditional” parking garages. Our
ambition is to be at the forefront of better and more     In collaboration with MKB and HSB, we are also
sustainable solutions in mobility and service. But we  producing designs for our biggest project to date, in
also want to be innovative when it comes to energy     Ellstorp, Malmö. Here, Hub Park plans to establish
production and create adaptable facilities that meet   housing, a preschool, and mobility buildings. Much of
future and/or changing needs.                          our focus over the next few years will be on devel-
                                                       oping more projects like those listed above, thereby
   We strive to become an attractive partner for       strengthening the Hub Park brand. We aspire to
municipalities and other land developers who want      strengthen our relationship with existing partners
long-term, sustainable and innovative solutions        and create new ones so that we can grow even more
for parking and mobility. During the past year, we     rapidly. In the coming year, our goal is to win and
completed our first mobility building with an office   implement 3 – 5 new acquisitions/land allocations,
in Hyllie. In addition to a large number of parking    with the aim that in two to three years’ time our
customers, it also has an Instabox parcel delivery     geographical area will have expanded to include more
service and bicycle parking.                           regions than Skåne.
   We have also begun construction of the parking
facility in Stationsstaden in Kävlinge, which will be
completed in the summer of 2022.

                                                       Mikz Alliance

                                                       We are the engine behind an international alliance
                                                       for influencer marketing through which media
                                                       houses and major media buyers gain access to all the
                                                       technology required to conduct influencer marketing.
                                                       Together with our members, we have created a mar-
                                                       ketplace where media buyers and influencers can get
                                                       together and do business. In 2021, we have started a
                                                       collaboration with Mediacorp Pte Ltd in Singapore,
                                                       which is one of the larger media houses in Asia.
                                                       A number of large international media houses and
                                                       media buyers are currently in negotiations to join the
                                                       alliance. Influencer marketing is expanding rapidly
                                                       and is expected to reach sales exceeding $ 24 billion
                                                       in 2025 according to MarketsandMarkets (January
                                                       2021). The industry is fragmented, which means that
                                                       our software and the “unifying” infrastructure we
                                                       are building together with our members will set the
                                                       standard for the market.
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