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DANIR 2021 | Our involvement 48
Higher grades and self-esteem
inspire hope for the future.
Star for Life is a non-profit organisation that works financing and persuading more schools to join
with schoolchildren in southern Africa. Through Star for Life and apply its successful method.
a unique training programme, their coaches work to
help pupils strengthen their self-esteem and moti- Star for Life is also involved in and contributes to
vate them to devote themselves to their education specific projects. Among these are the mobile health
and make wise life choices. This way, they can more clinics. They help to provide the local population
easily build themselves a better future, and as adults with access to health care and to disseminate health
they can contribute to a more equal and just society. education to people who otherwise would lack access
Star for Life is currently available at 120 schools to such resources.
in South Africa and Namibia and, so far, more
than 450,000 pupils have taken advantage of the Star for Life conducts continuous follow-ups of
Star for Life methodology. the work at each individual school. The programme
has a positive impact on everything from self-esteem
The idea for Star for Life came to Dan and Christin and academic performance to sexual health and a
Olofsson when they were starting a business project reduction in the number of teenage pregnancies.
in the region. They saw first-hand how incredibly These uplifting facts do more than inspire; they also
many people were affected by HIV and AIDS. The show how important it is to continue our involvement
devastating consequences of the diseases led them in Star for Life and their fantastic work.
to start a project at a local school in KwaZulu-Natal.
The idea for the project was that preventive informa- THE YEAR IN BRIEF
tion would be combined with activities that strengthen The pandemic has hit southern Africa hard. Both
pupils’ self-esteem. The project received a positive South Africa and Namibia have gone through periods
reception, laying the foundation for the creation of total lockdown. Meanwhile, Star for Life has helped
of Star for Life. disseminate information about COVID-19. Coaches
have received special training and held workshops
It has been 16 years since Star for Life launched for school staff and pupils. As the vaccination rate in
its first programme at Siphosabadletshe High School Africa remains low, children are still greatly affected
in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. This by the pandemic. The schools have now reopened,
relatively large school has almost 1,000 pupils and 30 but many pupils have lacked opportunities for learn-
teachers. The programme was an immediate success ing, knowledge and security for a long period.
and was well-received by both pupils and teachers,
as well as parents. During the year, various campaigns were organ-
ised in the schools, focusing on subjects ranging from
Since its inception in 2005, the Star for Life sexual health and teenage pregnancy to LGBTQIA+
method has been implemented in 120 schools across issues, bullying and gender equality. Star for Life
South Africa and Namibia. 20 of these schools are continues its efforts aimed at girls and its work to
primary schools and the others are high schools. In promote entrepreneurship and gender equality.
addition to collaborating with Danir and receiving
our support, over the years Star for Life has estab- WEB
lished collaboration with a number of committed
partners. Together, they have been involved in