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51                                                          Our involvement | DANIR 2021


    In the Malmö model, we
    coordinate the city and the
    local business community with
    our partners and investors.

    Entrepreneurship and enterprise create jobs.            after the challenges of 2020 the first half of this year
         Jobs strengthen growth, and growth creates         was marked by two completely different aspects.
    confidence in the future, which in turn reduces         Most meetings were still conducted digitally. And
    segregation and social exclusion. It was with this      at the same time, as vaccination got under way
    firm conviction that Uppstart Malmö was founded         and confidence in the future increased, job growth
    in 2011. The goal was clear – to get more Malmö         returned to more normal numbers.
    residents to work. Since the beginning, Uppstart
    Malmö has aimed to help Malmö become a city                During the summer, Tillväxt Malmö’s companies
    where both companies and individuals can grow. The      surpassed 2,000 new jobs. Since its launch in 2011,
    combination of supporting companies’ ability to grow    Uppstart Malmö’s various activities and the com-
    and create more jobs, together with activities that     panies with which they work have been involved in
    seek out, pilot and support young people’s entry into   investing more than SEK 70 million. They have also
    the labour market, has proved to be a very successful   helped and developed over 300 companies and
    model. Dan Olofsson was one of the initiators, and      created over 3,000 new jobs in the Malmö region.
    his network played a major role in their success in     This does more than benefit the people who get jobs
    involving a number of influential entrepreneurs and     and the companies that gain new employees – in the
    investors. Uppstart Malmö is run as a foundation on     long run, it benefits Malmö in a larger perspective.
    a non-profit basis, and the day-to-day operational
    work is carried out by the foundation’s own staff and   WEB
    business developers. We benefit greatly from our
    network in the business community, and we often
    collaborate with and get help from representatives
    from our partner companies.

        Uppstart Malmö has initiated and operates Tillväxt
    Malmö, an enterprise that offers business develop-
    ment for growing companies in Malmö. Through the
    foundation’s previous projects Uppsök Malmö, Good
    Malmö and On Track, hundreds of young jobseekers
    have found their way into the labour market.

    The foundation became a partner in Level, Malmö’s
    new international incubator. For Tillväxt Malmö,
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