Page 54 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
P. 54

DANIR 2021 | Our involvement                                                                                          52

            FC ROSENGÅRD

    Positive trends despite
    a tough start to the year.

FC Rosengård has two equally important cornerstones – one in sports and one in social
responsibility – and equal resources are invested in both. During the past year, they have
been forced to adjust, adapt to the pandemic and be creative during a problematic period.
Now a positive trend is emerging as more young people apply to the club, and we are
looking forward to great results, both in sports and in social responsibility.

However, the start of the year was not exactly              women, as female leaders are generally in short
       problem-free. During the spring, the club faced      supply in sports. And these efforts are already having
major challenges when strict restrictions were              positive effects. The participants graduated in August
imposed on what the football teams were allowed             and now the club is recruiting new participants for
to do. While many other clubs trained and played as         a leadership programme made possible by support
usual, FC Rosengård chose a slightly tougher line to        from the City of Malmö.
avoid the risk of spreading the virus in society. But
after the summer things started looking brighter, and          Football for Life in South Africa has faced major
the club began to receive many new enquiries from           challenges tied to the pandemic. Immediately after
both girls and boys wanting to join our club.               they launched their activities, new restrictions
This shows a positive trend, where many young               were imposed, the country entered lock-down, and
people apply to FC Rosengård and get great football         those responsible have had to find new, creative
training and a fun and rewarding leisure activity.          ways of working.

    Despite its challenges, it’s still quite easy to point     In Boost by FCR, it has been noted that the
to positive events from the past year. FC Rosengård         participants are now even further from the labour
won OBOS Damallsvenskan and is thereby once                 market than before. There is now greater competi-
again Swedish Champions. During the year the team           tion for employment, as many people lost their jobs
also qualified and played in Uefa Womens Champions          during the pandemic. Physical meetings had to be
League. Unfortunately, the team was knocked out in          replaced with digital ones, and this was also
the second round, losing to German Hoffenheim. The          a challenge for the target group.
club is also among the top teams in both the men’s
Division 2 and the women’s Division 1. We’re also              Hattrick by FCR, which is a collaborative project
entering futsal season, where the club plays in the         for the districts football clubs with girls’ football on
country’s second-highest league.                            the programme, celebrated the end of the year in
                                                            connection with WorldPride, which was arranged in
    FC Rosengård’s social activities consist of Football    Malmö and Copenhagen. The Pride Cup played out
for Life by FCR, which is conducted in both Sweden          on a sunny Malmö IP, with many happy players, teams
and South Africa, Boost by FCR, and Hattrick by FCR.        and leaders. The next round will start in the autumn,
Within the framework of Football for Life in Sweden,        and mental health is the new theme for the
they have worked with leadership training for young         knowledge aspect of the initiative.
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