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16                                                                                                        Danir GHG inventory report 2023 | CHAPTER 4

    SCOPE                                                                     EMISSIONS [TONNE CO2-EQ]

    Scope 1                                                                   213.3
    Scope 2 (Market-based method)                                             1,646.3
    Scope 3                                                                   10,580.8
    Total                                                                     12,440.4

    Table 7. Greenhouse gas emissions in tonne CO2-eq for Scopes 1, 2 and 3.

    4.2 Scope 1

    Scope 1 has the smallest emissions for Danir Group. The majority of Scope 1 emissions come from company-
    controlled vehicles such as company owned or leased cars, 212.91 tonne CO2-eq. A small amount, 0.42 tonne
    CO2-eq, comes from refrigerant leakage from two subsidiaries.

    4.3 Scope 2

    Scope 2 includes indirect emissions generated through the production of purchased energy, such as electricity,
    steam, district heating and district cooling. Danir Group’s energy usage and its generated emissions are
    presented in Table 8. The location-based method and the market-based method were used to calculate
    emissions in Scope 2. The high emissions within Scope 2 are primarily attributed to the offices outside
    Sweden. Emissions from the Swedish offices account for only 6% of the total, while the offices abroad –
    for example in China, Ukraine, Poland, and the US – contribute the remaining 94%.

    SCOPE 2 CATEGORY               CONSUMPTION                                                            EMISSIONS – MARKET-BASED
                                   7,256,478 kWh                                                          METHOD [TONNE CO2-EQ]
    Electricity                    2,427,207 kWh                                                          1,532.6
    District Heating               722,650 kWh
    District Cooling               1,594 l & 1,787,375 km                                                 112.1
    Company controlled vehicles
    Total                                                                                                 0


    Table 8. Purchased energy for the Danir Group and its generated emissions using market-based method.
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