Page 15 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
P. 15

The Deputy CEOs at Mellby Gård, from left: Thomas Gustafsson, Sven Knutsson and Mikael Helmerson

GROWTH THROUGH ACQUISITION                                                    the time isn’t right, if the price is wrong or if there are any doubts about
  “It goes without saying that we regularly discuss what we want to           the long-term viability of the company.”

invest in going forward, and then it all boils down into a variety of         NO STRICT DIVISION OF HOLDINGS
different projects,” says Mikael. “I’m currently working on specific            “We don’t have a strict division of companies between the three of us,
acquisition projects that are linked to Roxtec and Feralco, two of the
holdings I work with.”                                                        although I tend to focus on retail and consumer companies because
                                                                              that’s my background,” says Thomas. “In general, all of us working for
  “We’ve invested a lot of time and energy into identifying what kind of      Mellby Gård have to be able to manage holdings and sit on the boards
companies we want to acquire. A lot of stakeholders are looking to buy        of all kinds of companies and contribute our skills and experience.”
companies, so there’s fierce competition. We need to be clear on the
kind of companies we want, and why the owners of these companies                “I joined Mellby Gård as the CEO of Mellby Gård Innovation och
should sell to us.”                                                           Tillväxt, and at that time the plan was for us to work with smaller
                                                                              companies,” says Sven. “But then we thought again. Our business
  “For instance, we’re actively looking for companies offering safety         model means we’re active owners, and smaller companies take just as
solutions for industrial environments, and are therefore similar to           much time as medium-sized or large companies to work with.”
Roxtec when it comes to stringent demands from customers and the
need for proactive sales work. These may include fire safety products,          “That’s why we want to aim for fewer companies, but bigger ones,
flood protection products, fasteners and other items. The products            and that’s why I now maintain a broad approach regardless of size or
must be used for protection in demanding environments such as                 sector. The company I’m focusing on most at the moment is Klarahill,
aboard large ships, at nuclear power plants, at wind farms or on trains.      which Mellby Gård has built from the ground up. This is where we’re
These are demanding environments where everything must work at all            consolidating the Swedish funeral industry. Our plan is to turn over
times, and so there are rules on what products are permitted for use.         half a billion within three years, and that’s about the size we want our
Roxtec has had the same slogan for a long time: “Protecting life and          companies to be.”
assets”. To put it simply, we’re on the lookout for other companies with
the same mission and focus as ourselves.”                                       “I’ve been a Deputy CEO since March 2021 and joined Mellby Gård in
                                                                              May 2013, when I took over as CEO of Roxtec,” says Mikael. “I focus on
  “Mellby Gård’s cash flow in 2021 was good, which has placed us in           Roxtec and Feralco, two major industrial companies. I’m a board member
a good financial position for new investments,” says Thomas. “Our             at Roxtec, and Hans Stråberg is its external chairman. I’ve been chairman
valuations are still high, so it’s really important for us to analyse things  of the board at Feralco since November.”
correctly and bring the right companies on board. We have to decline if

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