Page 13 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
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Knowledge is power
and provides the right
opportunities for the future
It should be possible for every child to be their best self and choose
their own future. This provides the starting point for the work of the
Teach for Sweden Foundation, which helps talented graduates to
become teachers. Hundreds of graduates have completed Teach for
Sweden’s leadership programme to date and are now qualified senior-
level teachers.
Students need talented and qualified teachers if they’re to programme or are currently enrolled, and every one of them is a major
achieve and enjoy positive future prospects. But even so, the asset to the school system. The programme attracts a broad selection
number of qualified teachers has been steadily declining over of talented people with a variety of experience and expertise.
the last few years, which means fewer students are leaving school with
upper secondary-level qualifications. Teach for Sweden is recruiting “The people who apply to join our leadership programme have
graduates for a two-year leadership programme, culminating in a held a variety of positions previously. We have someone who was a
teaching degree, with the aim to reverse this trend. development engineer in the food industry, a deputy chief of staff
at the Government Offices and a synthetic chemist who worked on
“Teach for Sweden is aware that having motivated and qualified pharmaceutical research. They all have one thing in common: an
teachers in the classroom is a must for all children, no matter what excellent academic qualifications, a passion for leadership and a desire
their background, so that they all have the same opportunities for an to help out with the school system.”
equal education. That said, many teachers will be retiring in a near
future. The Swedish National Agency for Education estimates that the MORE SCOPE FOR MATHS AND SCIENCE
country will see a shortage of about 12,000 qualified teachers by 2035. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 and the resulting restrictions had a
We want our leadership programme to be part of the solution and help major impact on schooling among students. Nevertheless, Teach for
Sweden to go on being a leading knowledge nation.” Sweden was able to maintain and run all elements of its operations.
Students who completed the leadership programme continued with
MORE THAN 400 TEACHERS APPOINTED their work experience at schools, both online and in the classroom.
This training course combines theoretical and practical elements so as This year, Teach for Sweden will be focusing on providing more of an
to provide graduates with the very best conditions and enable them to understanding of the role played by maths and science in the future of
develop. For the most part, the theoretical element focuses on tools Sweden.
and methods for personal and effective leadership. Graduates will
combine their studies with working as teachers at secondary schools “We’ve always aimed high here at Teach for Sweden. In 2021, our
in dire need of talented teachers, including schools in districts that are organisation produced one in four of all graduate senior-level teachers
defined as particularly vulnerable. teaching technology and one in five teachers teaching physics
or chemistry. We’re aiming to go on recruiting maths and science
Teach for Sweden works in partnership with more than 30 local teachers for the future, but we’re also planning to raise awareness of
authorities at present, and there is a great deal of interest in the their significant position in society.”
education offer. A total of 400 graduates have completed the