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FC Rosengård makes
people think and dream big
At FC Rosengård, both football and a socially sustainable society is worth
investing in. The club is aiming to give everyone the opportunity to believe
in their dreams through a range of activities both on and off the pitch. And
these efforts are paying off – twelve Swedish championship gold medals and
over 3,000 self-sufficient young people bear witness to that.
FC Rosengård has had a major impact on both football and “Football for Life was the start of our efforts to develop other
Malmö ever since it was founded. Today, FC Rosengård’s successful activities as well. We now run Hattrick by FC Rosengård, a
sporting activities are extensive and include the women’s A and knowledge project that aims to inspire teenage girls to go on playing
B teams, a men’s team, futsal activities and more than 700 active boys football and helping them to learn more about important topics such
and girls who train regularly at Malmö IP and Rosengårds IP. as LGBTQIA+ inclusion, mental health, menstruation and nutrition.
Boost by FC Rosengård, which has been working for eleven years to get
Year after year, FC Rosengård continues to demonstrate how young people into self-sufficient work or study, is another successful
football brings people together and helps them to achieve success. programme. A total of 3,150 young people have become self-sufficient,
The women’s A team won Damallsvenskan in 2021 and has a total of which proves that persistence and the determination to make a
twelve Damallsvenskan titles, has won Svenska Cupen five times and difference do pay off.”
Supercupen four times as well. This is a very ambitious affiliation, and
its objective is to give every player the opportunity to develop. FOCUS ON MENTAL HEALTH IN YOUNG PEOPLE
FC Rosengård also works in partnership with a number of different
“We have a strong winning culture at FC Rosengård – that’s no secret. organisations. The club became the primary partner of World Pride
But that said, we know that you can only achieve success by making in 2021 and arranged both internal and external training courses on
mistakes and learning from them. We use football as a tool to teach LGBTQIA+ issues. FC Rosengård and Tim Bergling Foundation will be
our boys and girls to fight for the things they’re passionate about, and working together this year on matters linked with mental health among
not let setbacks in life stop them.” young people.
STRONG COMMITMENT OFF THE PITCH AS WELL “We’re really proud of all our partnerships. More young people will
The club’s efforts to bring about a sustainable society are just as much be given the opportunity to discuss significant and serious topics
a part of its DNA as winning matches. FC Rosengård is involved in thanks to our partnership with Tim Bergling Foundation. And we’re
social outreach activities on a local level as well as abroad, and they really grateful to our partners for making it possible for us to pursue
tackle challenges efficiently and reliably. these important issues and activities. We hope that Mellby Gård and
everyone else who has chosen to work with us feels as much pride as
The very first social outreach activity began back in 2008 and we do.”
is called Football for Life. This is a community project in South
Africa where football is used to encourage young girls to become
independent and dare to break patriarchal social structures. Football
for Life is now available in Sweden as well.