Page 14 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
P. 14

Our holdings
         should be a bit better
    tomorrow than they are today

                  Mellby Gård has three deputy CEOs: Thomas Gustafsson, Sven Knutsson and Mikael
                 Helmerson. Their primary job is to work as representatives of Mellby Gård and manage

                       the Group’s holdings so as to allow them to develop as effectively as possible.

    Thomas Gustafsson’s relationship with Mellby Gård goes back                    “When we’re considering or receive proposals for acquisitions in order
               a long way. It all began in 2001, when Mellby Gård took over      to start a new vertical at Mellby Gård, this is a much bigger, strategic
               Brämhults Juice where he was appointed CEO by Mellby Gård.        decision that we discuss with the entire management team and the
     He then became President and CEO of Duni, where Mellby Gård is a            owners as well,” says Mikael. “This means an additional commitment
     major shareholder, and Thomas has worked at the Mellby Gård head            for us on a central level, and as we decide to embark upon something
     office since 2018.                                                          that’s new for us where we need to build up new expertise.”

        Sven Knutsson was appointed CEO of Mellby Gård Innovation och            MAKING UP THE MELLBY GÅRD MANAGEMENT TEAM
    Tillväxt AB in 2015 and was subsequently appointed Deputy CEO in 2021.      Thomas, Sven and Mikael are all members of the Mellby Gård
                                                                                 management team, together with CEO Johan Andersson.
        Mikael Helmerson was appointed Deputy CEO in March 2021 after
     eight years working as the CEO of Roxtec, another company owned by            “We meet once a month and take a general look through the
     Mellby Gård.                                                                development of the holdings. We might look at a few of them in greater
                                                                                 detail if we have anything in particular we’d like to discuss,” says Mikael.
     TWO REPRESENTATIVES ON THE BOARDS OF THE                                   “We also discuss general matters that affect multiple subsidiaries and
     HOLDINGS                                                                    that we could all benefit from. We’ve done a lot of talking about the
                                                                                 pandemic over the last two years, and about its repercussions for
        Mellby Gård’s corporate governance includes aiming to include two        markets and companies.
     representatives on the boards of its major holdings, preferably the
     chairmanship and one other position. Thomas is currently chairman of          “Sustainability is something we often include on our agenda, and
     Duni, a listed company, as well as Kappahl and Oscar Jacobsson, and         it’s an issue that’s gone on becoming more and more important,” says
     he’s also a member of the Aros Kapital board. Sven is the chairman of      Thomas. “Sustainability was ‘nice to have’ a decade ago, then five years
     Klarahill and Söderberg & Haak and a board member for Hedson, Duni,         ago is was a ‘need to have’. Now it’s an existential issue. If a company
     Kappahl and Open Air Group. Mikael is the chairman of Feralco and sits      has no idea how to withstand the transition, its very existence is at risk.
     on the boards of Roxtec, Hedson and StudentConsulting.
                                                                                   “Our job is to define targets that help companies to focus more
       “All in all, you could say we have four parts to play,” says Thomas.      accurately and enhance their expertise on a shared issue of this kind,
    “We’re primarily responsible for the owner’s management of the holdings,     and to ensure that the companies have the right skills in place to deal
     and we also manage the companies’ boards and management teams.              with it. As regards sustainability, a number of subsidiaries have recently
                                                                                 recruited new sustainability managers who are well trained so as to
       “Representing the owners at the various holdings means we have to         place additional emphasis on the matter.
     make sure the companies develop as effectively as possible and are
     driven forward,” says Sven. “This is something we achieve by means            “It’s important to maintain a balance between formal and informal
     of regular, sometimes daily, discussions with the companies and             aspects,” says Sven. “Board meetings are formal, but the internal
     representing the owners on the boards.                                      meetings attended by the four of us are more creative and less formal.
                                                                                 We have an agenda, but we like to focus on coming up with new
       “The other two roles involve assessing the proposals for acquisition      concepts and solutions. It’s not often we discuss details, or get bogged
     that we receive. We receive ten or so proposals every month on average,”    down in our old mistakes. We just get on with remedying them as
     continues Thomas. “We have to ensure the organic growth of the              quickly as we can. There’s a very small rear view mirror, but a very big
     companies in the first instance, but we also have to make sure that any     windscreen!”
     acquisition opportunities are dealt with. This includes ensuring that the
     companies have an updated acquisition agenda, which we reconcile
     regularly with the owners.”

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