P. 39


 Single-use and reusable
solutions – a combination

        for the future

Single-use items have not been looked upon favorably in terms              solutions, where Duni Group as an expert can help the customer
         of their sustainability over the years. Since the 2019 EU Single  select the best solution for their business and needs.”
         Use Plastics Directive, the issue of plastics and single-use
 items has dominated the market, and the recent EU Packaging                  Because Duni Group’s large group of sales personnel in Europe is
 Regulation clearly shows that legislators think reusable solutions        in close contact with customers, it can quickly bring new solutions
 are the way to go. From 2023 in Germany and 2024 in Sweden, all           to the market and serve as a catalyst for change. The company is
 catering establishments using single-use items must also offer            constantly developing its products and the systems they are part of.
 a reusable option. Duni Group works continuously to stay at the
 forefront and offer circular, climate-smart solutions, according to Erik    “We currently work in partnership with the Swedish company
 Lindroth, Sustainability Director at Duni Group.                          &Repeat, which provides a deposit system via QR codes on single-
                                                                           use packaging,” says Erik Lindroth. “The code is scanned when you
   “Single-use items will exist in the future, but we need to find         put them in the right box, enabling more material to be sorted more
 sustainable solutions that can continue to meet requirements              accurately and thus recycled. At Duni Group, we’re also looking at the
 for hygiene, climate-smart transport and functionality,” he says.         possibility of using QR codes on our packaging, where the consumer
“We have an important role to play in this area in relation to our         can get information on how to sort the packaging in the country
 customers. By choosing better materials and products, we provide          they’re in.”
 opportunities for the customer to take clear steps forward in their
 sustainability efforts and generate value from them. We want to make         One of the company’s goals is for its entire range to be fully circular
 the customer a hero.”                                                     by 2030. It has therefore been important for Duni Group to adapt its
                                                                           entire business and its offering to customers at an early stage.
    Duni Group believes strongly in using both single-use and
 reusable solutions, which is clear if you look at several of last year’s    “It’s better to get onboard with a change early on and turn it into
 investments. Neither one is automatically more sustainable than the       an opportunity – and it’s also much more fun!” says Erik Lindroth. “It
 other – it is the system surrounding the product and how well this        generates a completely different impetus throughout the company,
 works that determines how sustainable the solution is.                    which is necessary if we are to achieve our long-term goals.”

   “In many cases, reusable solutions need to have a reuse rate of                                     Erik Lindroth,
 97–99 percent, which is very difficult to achieve,” says Erik Lindroth.                 Sustainability Director
“A single-use product made from recyclable and renewable materials
 may then be the more sustainable option. Our investments in
 Bûmerang and Relevo thus complement our business – we can learn
 from them and they can grow through us. In the future, we want to
 see sustainable single-use items sold along with sustainable reusable

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