Page 26 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 26


Tools for businesses to ensure skilled labour

Many businesses in Lapland are directly or indirectly   enabling work, employers have a considerable         SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS FOR WORKFORCE CHALLENGES
related to the tourism industry. For example, the       amount of responsibility. While the employer’s
logistics, transportation, construction, industrial,    responsibility does not extend to the employee’s
and retail sectors enable tourism activities, and       leisure-time needs or activities, this matters when
vice versa. Different fields and job positions require  considering the attractiveness and retention
a wide and diverse range of specific expertise.         factors of a job or workplace, job matching, or the
Employers are looking for skilled employees in          meaningfulness of work. In the tourism industry,
terms of both core competencies and workplace           stakeholders should together provide such a
skills. The process leading to the point where an       comprehensive environment where employees also
employer finds an employee matching their needs         enjoy themselves outside working hours. The emer-
can be quite lengthy.                                   gence of this perspective during the project also
                                                        reveals something about the special characteristics
If the employee’s needs outside of work are added       of the seasonal tourism and ski resort industry.
to the recruitment process, contract writing, and

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