Page 11 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 11


A pleasant work environment and safety as attractions

Based on the survey, the strengths of the ski resort        The importance of the work environment as an attractive
industry are a pleasant work environment and a safe         factor in the ski resort industry was also emphasized in
working environment. A whopping 95% of respondents          the open comments provided by the respondents. When
considered the industry’s work environment pleasant,        respondents who found the industry attractive were
while 80% found it to be a safe working environment.        asked to justify their stance in one word, one-third men-
                                                            tioned the work environment. Outdoor work and nature
                                                            were mentioned as meaningful factors.

Work community 32%                                                   Enjoyment of work 6%
                                                                    Customer interaction 5%

              Outdoor work 8%                                       Employment benefits 5%
                                                                       Variety of work 4%
                  Nature 8%                                            Activity in work 4%

Open text question: ”Justify in one word why the ski resort
industry is attractive? You can mention 3 justifications.” (n=518)

Retention challenges are related to year-round employment,
career development, wage levels, and housing arrangements

The main retention challenges in the industry, as indi-     industry provides a reliable livelihood. A fifth factor that
cated by the survey responses, include difficulties in      was perceived more strongly as a retention challenge
year-round employment, perceived low competitiveness        than an attractiveness factor is “The ski resort industry
in terms of industry wages, challenges in arranging         is an attractive career opportunity for young people.”
housing in ski resort areas, and the high cost of housing.  Despite its attractiveness, the ski resort industry is not
Therefore, it is logical that a significant portion, 71%    seen as offering long-term career opportunities.
of respondents, disagreed with the statement that the

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