Page 12 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 12

How could the industry’s attractiveness be improved?

Development suggestions were requested from those             The challenges of year-round employment are related to
respondents who felt that the ski resort industry does        the seasonality of the work. Respondents were asked for
not offer opportunities to build a career. In this feedback,  feedback on how year-round employment in the ski resort
challenges related to wages and year-round employment         industry could be improved. Increasing and developing
were highlighted. When asked about the key areas for          summer activities in ski resort areas was generally seen
improvement in the industry, better pay was mentioned         as a way to reduce seasonality and promote year-round
by nearly every third respondent, followed by year-round      employment. Combining work with other industries and
employment and housing.                                       entrepreneurship was also seen as an opportunity. While
                                                              there is plenty of work during the winter season, securing
In addition to salary, better employment benefits (in-        affordable and suitable accommodation emerged as one
cluding those related to housing) would have a positive       challenge, even year-round.
impact on encouraging career development and retaining
professionals in the field. From the perspective of ski              “Support the education of ski instructors, plan
resorts, this would also have a positive effect on work-             year-round activities so that one could work
force availability.                                                  at the ski resort continuously. The constant
                                                                     seasonality is a barrier to development and
Other factors that were mentioned as positively affecting            continuity. Due to housing issues, many don’t
career advancement include training opportunities, the               want to return to shared accommodations,
overall development of the industry towards year-round               making it nearly impossible for adults to live in
operations, and collaboration and networking with vari-              a ski resort. Consequently, job roles don’t have
ous stakeholders to promote year-round employment and                a chance to develop, as someone willing to live
labour mobility for job opportunities. However, oppor-               in a bunk bed with others often ends up taking
tunities for education and international, cross-industry             on the job. In other words, jobs go to those
collaboration should continue to be developed.                       who happen to get housing or are willing to
                                                                     tolerate poor living conditions, not necessarily
             Better salary 30%                                       to those who would be the best fit for the role.”

                                                                     Ski Instructor, female,
                                                                     Finland, more than 8 years in the field

      Year-round employment 11%                                  “Improve the salary; the work is extremely               WORKFORCE ISSUES IN TOURISM AND SKI RESORT AREAS
                                                                 demanding and doesn’t in any way correspond to
                Housing 10%                                      the current pay. [...] Support for education could
                                                                 be provided. At the moment, we pay for all our
         Career development 4%                                   own training and courses. [...] Also, incentives
    Opportunities for education 4%                               for well-done work would be appropriate. If, for
                                                                 instance, you receive positive feedback or a cus-
         Industry recognition 3%                                 tomer returns for another lesson and, in the best
                                                                 case, requests the same instructor, you could
Open text question: ”The key areas for improvement               receive a small salary bonus.”
to make the ski resort industry more attractive as an
employer.” n=257                                                 Ski Instructor, male, Finland,
                                                                 1-3 years in the field
                                                              Some of the suggested summer activity offerings for ski
                                                              resorts included typical activities that are already being
                                                              developed, such as:
                                                              •	 Diversifying and developing mountain bike trails and

                                                                 bike park activities. Downhill biking was also men-
                                                                 tioned in relation to cycling.
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