Page 73 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 73
The ratio between payroll /pensions of €136.32m from the HSE for the Emergency Ambulance Service,
(84.63%) and non-pay of €24.76m (15.37%) reflects €3.36m in superannuation income, €2.40m from
the manpower requirement to provide the essential the Transport Infrastructure Ireland for providing
Emergency Fire, Rescue and Ambulance Service on a a dedicated response vehicle for the Port Tunnel,
24 hour basis 365 days a year. €0.34m for Fire Charges and €18.55m payroll
In addition to direct council subvention, DFB has a
self-generated income steam of €36.0m comprises The net cost of €125.05m (€161.1m expenditure -
of superannuation income and fees from the services €36.0m income) is divided between the four Dublin
it provides. The main revenue streams are €9.18m Local Authorities using an agreed formula.
Wages €88.67m 55.04% €161.1m
€11.88m 7.38%
Salaries €35.77m 22.20%
Pensions €19.18m 11.91%
Support Services €5.58m 3.47%
/Loan Charges
ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Tuarascáil Bhliantúil 2023 73