Page 74 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 74


The Human Resource Section (HR) of Dublin Fire                  demonstrating ongoing support and appreciation for
Brigade is dedicated to fostering the growth of the             all Dublin Fire Brigade staff. The overarching goal is to
organisation by providing comprehensive support                 build and promote an inclusive organisation capable
services to its staff. The primary focus is on maintaining      of maximizing service delivery and effectively
a culture of fairness, openness, transparency, and              addressing future challenges.
support in all interactions. Core values such as
equality, diversity, respect, partnership, and wellness         Recognising employees as the organisation’s most
are central to the HR section’s activities.                     significant asset, Dublin Fire Brigade’s HR section
                                                                is committed to providing an open communication
With a strategic and cohesive approach, the HR                  platform, fostering career growth through workforce
section actively manages the organisation’s most                planning, encouraging continuous learning and
valuable assets – its people. This includes collaboration       development for all staff, and delivering training
with Dublin City Council’s HR Department to offer               and support to line managers in handling industrial
employees best-practice services and facilities.                relations and employee relations issues. Additionally,
The HR section plays a pivotal role in cultivating an           the HR section places a strong emphasis on promoting
effective work culture where employees are well-                health and wellness in the workplace, underscoring
informed about their responsibilities, rights, and              the importance of health, safety, and welfare for all
privileges.                                                     Fire Brigade staff. Leveraging the knowledge and
                                                                commitment of its staff, the HR section collaborates
Aligned with the commitments outlined in the                    with corporate HR, trade unions, medical referees,
Corporate Plan, the HR section consistently strives to          and other entities to address staff welfare, learning
meet statutory obligations and deliver best practices           and development, and attendance issues in a
across all its activities. It is dedicated to fulfilling staff  professional and confidential manner.
training and development through the PMDS process,

74                                                              Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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