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Våra engagemang | DANIR 2023


    THE YEAR IN BRIEF                                         help the club to implement reading-aloud activities
    Our youth teams ensured that over 700 children            for 230 children every week, as well as spontaneous
    enjoyed active leisure time, including some emerg-        activities for children in schools and leisure centres.
    ing stars of the future. This year’s FIFA Women's
    World Cup in Australia and New Zealand was proof             In South Africa, Football for Life by FCR is cele-
    of the quality of the club’s activities, with 21 current  brating its 16th anniversary and we can confirm that
    or former FC Rosengård players representing               there are now over 1,000 girls playing football in
    their countries.                                          the district.

       Our social initiatives have continued to produce          In Skåne, 350 girls in local clubs have received
    good results and sustainable development over time.       training from FC Rosengård first-team players as part
    Over 50 per cent of participants in the initiative        of the programme Hattrick by FCR, which aims to
    Boost by FCR, which works with young unemployed           keep girls involved in football for longer.
    residents of Malmö, are now self-sufficient. Grad-
    uates of the FCR Coach for Life leadership course         WEB

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