Page 23 - Danir_Arsbok2023_ENG_DiPDF
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23                                                      Our involvement | DANIR 2023

    Motivationslyftet by Star for life

    This year, Motivationslyftet celebrated its 10th    enriched by exchanging experiences and perspec-
    anniversary, and now includes 65 schools in         tives. This will serve as a model for international
    Sweden, where students from primary school to       collaborations between more schools.
    upper secondary school can develop through our
    method. In 2023, we also developed materials for       Our long-term ambition is to ensure that all
    after-school clubs, and we are currently preparing  students in Sweden receive self-leadership training
    materials for preschools.                           in school for increased self-confidence and better
                                                        mental health. To achieve this important goal, we
       During the year, two Swedish schools, Grillska   work actively to influence and engage in dialogue
    Gymnasiet in Örebro and Christina School on         with decision-makers and authorities.
    Lidingö, started a collaboration with the Namibian
    schools JG van Der Watt and Eldorado High School,   WEB
    and we can already see how the students have been
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