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DANIR 2023 | Our involvement                                                                                      24


With passion for the game
and compassion off the pitch.

FC Rosengård is one of Sweden’s most successful                   “	Our vision is to create a
football clubs and an active social actor. We work to              gender-equal Malmö that is
create positive societal change using football as our              inclusive of all of the city’s
tool. Our vision is to create a gender-equal Malmö                 districts and people.”
that is inclusive of all of the city’s districts and
people, a Malmö in which all children and families       and social health, especially for children and
dare to believe in their dreams and to set goals for     young people.
the future, whether that be on or off the pitch. Our
club rests on the twin pillars of sport and the com-        Fewer and fewer children are physically active.
munity and we allocate as many of our resources to       Lifestyle diseases are increasing at an alarming rate
social initiatives as we do to our sporting activities.  in all age groups. The Malmö district of Rosengård
                                                         from which the club takes its name is one particular-
A HEALTH AND COMMUNITY MOVEMENT                          ly badly affected area. Only one in ten teenage girls
IN ROSENGÅRD                                             of foreign origin reach the recommended level of
During spring 2023, FC Rosengård launched the            physical activity. We also need to increase knowl-
social programme Move by FCR, which organises            edge of the significance of physical activity and a
activities to promote improved physical, mental          healthy diet to health, and how deficiencies can lead
                                                         to lifestyle diseases that can affect the whole family.

                                                            Through Move by FCR, we hope to create a
                                                         movement, both in the form of greater physical
                                                         activity among the target groups and by promoting
                                                         a holistic approach to physical, mental and social
                                                         health. The intention is to disseminate knowledge
                                                         about the decisive role physical activity and an
                                                         active lifestyle play in preventing lifestyle diseases.

                                                            By focusing on children, youths and their mothers,
                                                         we hope to use preventive measures and knowledge
                                                         to create change in vulnerable target groups. We
                                                         will achieve this through our own activities as well
                                                         as those of our partners, such as schools and other
                                                         social actors in the district.

                                                            We will also arrange spontaneous activities in
                                                         order to reach more children and families who are
                                                         not currently active in the club.
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