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DANIR 2023 | Our involvement


Star for Life Ukraine                                        “	In the shadow of the war, Star for
                                                               Life Ukraine has continued its work
In the shadow of the war, Star for Life Ukraine has            to promote education, self-esteem,
continued its work to promote education, self-                 and well-being among young
esteem, and well-being among young Ukrainians.                 Ukrainians.”
With over 500 registered for the pilot project ‘Girls
in Tech’, we see a great need for technical education    Together with other humanitarian initiatives, we
among young girls, and we are now planning to scale      work to ensure that children have access to the
up the project. At the same time, we continued to        supplies and support they need. Our work with the
offer online training and reached more than 8,000        Swedish Embassy in Ukraine, local authorities, and
children during the year, including in frontline areas.  international organisations, has and will continue to
                                                         play a crucial role in the success of our projects. In
   Our commitment to technical education was             conclusion, 2023 was a groundbreaking year for Star
further deepened with the establishment of Star          for Life Ukraine. Despite obvious challenges, our
for Life Labs. In partnership with schools, we offer     determination to make a difference in the lives of
training on modern computers for future teachers in      Ukrainian children remained steadfast.
computer science and for students in development
and programming. There are now four laborato-            WEB
ries around Ukraine. In addition to this, we have
launched a network of companies through SFL    
Connect to support our business and goals. This
platform simultaneously facilitates both collabora-
tion and networking.

   However, humanitarian needs remain high,
especially for children in the most vulnerable areas.
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