Page 21 - Danir_Arsbok2023_ENG_DiPDF
P. 21

Our involvement | DANIR 2023


    Star for Life Tanzania                                 ities, and other stakeholders in the region. We are
                                                           confident that it will improve the living conditions
    In January, the Star for Life program was introduced   of children on the island, which is crucial for their
    in eight schools located on the island of Mafia,       well-being and that of their families.
    belonging to Tanzania. Since then, we have conduct-
    ed workshops and classroom sessions for more than
    1,600 students, covering subjects such as self-devel-
    opment, health, and the right to make one's own life
    choices. We have also organized different activities
    to help students define dreams and work towards
    them purposefully.

       As part of the program, we also offer counselling
    at the schools. Students can turn to our coaches
    for support related to everything from domestic
    violence, school bullying, to vocational guidance.
    The school can also get support from the coaches in
    dialogues with students with high absenteeism rates.

       We are happy that the program has received pos-
    itive feedback from teachers, parents, local author-

    Star for Life Jerusalem                                      “	Today, we are perceived as an
                                                                  	organisation that works according 	
    In our second year in Jerusalem, we have become               	to a strategic plan and delivers 		
    one of the leading international organisations on the         	what we promise.”
    eastern side of the city. Today, we are perceived as
    an organisation that works according to a strategic    students to ten schools with a total of 2,300 stu-
    plan and delivers what we promise. As a clear result,  dents. Through SFL Job Hub and Sigma Lab, we have
    we have now grown from four schools and 830            also created 520 new jobs for young adults, of which
                                                           170 are in the IT sector.

                                                              Star for Life Jerusalem has become a major player
                                                           with more than 30 employees, mostly women, and
                                                           with an even distribution of Muslim, Jewish, Druze,
                                                           and Christian Arab employees. Our organisation can
                                                           therefore demonstrate a new model of cooperation,
                                                           where we work with all parties, Palestinians and
                                                           Israelis, as well as international organisations, UN
                                                           agencies, and diplomatic committees.


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