Page 47 - Danir_Arsbok2023_ENG_DiPDF
P. 47

Our sub-groups | DANIR 2023

47                                                             EMPLOYEES, FTE                                                                                  +8%

      Gender equality is a natural element of diversity,       550                                                                                             550
      hence our involvement in Femmegineering by Sigma,                                                                                                        510
      an initiative to inspire girls and women to choose a     2023
      career in engineering, thereby improving the gender      2022
      balance in the sector. We have arranged a number
      of events during the year for women in the tech          ANNUAL GROWTH RATE
      industry at which we have discussed this subject.
      Our next step is to reach a younger audience with         -13%                             10%
      inspirational role models.
                                                               Tot al , 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3        CAGR total,
          Caring for the world around us is also important                                       2018-2023
      and for many years now, through the non-profit
      organisation Star for Life we have sponsored Dlilan-     10%
      ga High School, a rural school with over 800 pupils
      in the South African province KwaZulu-Natal.             CAGR organic,
          “It is our conviction that innovative
           solutions are born when people from                 REVENUE 2019-2023                              MSEK
           different backgrounds and with
           different experiences come together.”                                                                                  1 063
      The last year has been highly successful, with stable                                                 890
      growth and revenue in excess of SEK 1 billion. To
      offer our customers the very latest platforms and                              704
      most advanced technology, we have strengthened           663
      collaboration with our strategic partners and tech-
      nology providers Qualcomm, Nordic Semiconduc-            2019  2020                  2021  2022         2023
      tors, Qorvo, Silicon Labs and Bosch Sensortec.

          This year, we have made significant investments
      in technology and skills in the fields of artificial
      intelligence, digital signal processing, the automotive
      industry and optoelectronics. We have also launched
      two new group companies, Sigma Connectivity
      MedTech AB and Sigma Connectivity Ltd, and look
      forward to welcoming more over the coming year.

          GROUP CEO

      Björn Lundqvist

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