Page 20 - Danir_Klimatbokslut_digital_2023_ENG
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20                                                                                                                 Danir GHG inventory report 2023 | CHAPTER 4

    The total employee commuting emissions for the Danir Group were approximately 3,536 tonnes of CO2-eq.
    The average emissions from employee commuting were calculated to be 461 kg CO2-eq per person in 2023.
    The breakdown by mode of transportation is presented in Table 14.

    MEANS OF TRANSPORT   EMISSIONS PER MEANS OF                                                              SHARE OF EMPLOYEE
                         TRANSPORT [TONNE CO2-EQ]                                                            COMMUTING EMISSIONS [%]

    Car – Diesel         714                                                                                 20%
    Car – Gasoline       1,653                                                                               47%
    Car – Hybrid         336                                                                                 10%
    Car – Electric       68                                                                                  2%
    Train                118                                                                                 6%
    Bus                  509                                                                                 14%
    Tram                 15                                                                                  0.4%
    Metro                22                                                                                  0.6%
    Bicycle and walking  0                                                                                   0%
    Taxi                 4,130.2                                                                             100%

    Table 14. Employee commuting emissions by mode of transportation for Danir during the reporting period.
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25