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CHAPTER 4 | Danir GHG inventory report 2023                                                                       19

       C AT E G O R Y                                                             EMISSIONS [TONNE CO2-EQ]
      District Heating                                                            62.4
      District Cooling                                                            12.3
      Company owned or leased vehicles                                            0.0
      Total                                                                       0.6
Table 12. Emissions for fuel and energy-related activities                        75.3

The total emissions related to waste corresponds to 20.39 tonne CO2-eq. This is based on an average of typical
office waste per employee. Typical office waste includes paper, plastic, electronics, and food waste. There was
no other non-typical office waste reported or deemed relevant.

Business travel constitutes the largest emissions category within Scope 3, accounting for 48% of total emissions
for Scopes 1, 2, and 3. Flights represent the most substantial emitting mode of transport, accounting for 81%
of emissions for Scope 3 category business travel. This is followed by private cars, accounting for approxi-
mately 10% of business travel emissions. Refer to Table 13 for the total emissions from business travel.

BUSINESS TRAVEL                              EMISSIONS [TONNES CO2-EQ]            SHARE OF BUSINESS
                                                                                  TRAVEL EMISSIONS [%]
Private car – Gasoline                       534
Private car – Diesel                         23                                   9%
Private car – Hybrid                         21                                   0.4%
Private car – Electric                       1                                    0.4%
Rental car                                   121                                  0.02%
Train                                        40                                   2%
Flight                                       4,821                                0.7%
Bus                                          35                                   81%
Ferry                                        0,0                                  0.6%
Taxi                                         16                                   0%
Hotel                                        314                                  0.3%
Total                                        5,925                                5.3%

Table 13. Emissions for business travel carried out during the reporting period.
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24