P. 9
Talented shot-putter
going for gold in
the 2024 Olympics
Wictor Petersson is a shot-putter with big dreams. At 23 years young, he
is already the Swedish champion and has competed at the biggest arenas.
Petersson is now aiming to represent Sweden at the World Athletics
Championships, to be held in the US in July. A milestone on his way to
winning a medal at the 2024 Olympics.
Petersson has been planning to achieve great things in athletics “The Doha World Championships and the Tokyo Olympics were
for a very long time. When he was 9, he was allowed to go to two brilliant experiences. Back then, I was competing mainly to gain
Göingevallen in Hässleholm with his sister to try out a number experience and learn as much as I could. Now my sights are set on
of different sports. He quickly developed an affinity for all sports becoming even stronger and continuing to break new personal records.
involving strength, and after a few years he decided to focus entirely It takes a lot of time and patience to succeed in a sport like shot-
on shot-putting. putting, and I’m ready to put in the hours.”
“I think both I and the people around me discovered early on that I AIMING FOR THE PARIS OLYMPICS
had a talent for throwing. The combination of strength and technique The World Championships are to be held in the US this summer, and
is something I’ve always liked, and want to develop further. I decided to his hopes are pinned on reaching the final. But Petersson dreams of
go all-in on shot-putting during the 2015 World Youth Championships competing at the 2024 Olympics in Paris. By then he’ll have turned 26,
in Colombia. I’ll never forget what it felt like to compete in short put in which according to sporting history is the perfect age for shot-putters.
front of 50,000 spectators.” Petersson is aiming is to win a medal for Sweden. He has a whole team
of people behind him who are encouraging and supporting him as he
TRAINING FIVE DAYS A WEEK chases his dream.
It’s been seven years since the World Youth Championships in
Colombia. Now he’s 23 years old and competes as a senior for Malmö “I’ve been dreaming of the Paris Olympics since I was a kid. And now
AI on a national level, and for Sweden on the international stage. He’s it’s on the horizon. I’m so greatful I’m surrounded by people who can
won gold in national championships, as well as competed at the 2019 see my potential and want me to go all-in. It’s thanks to people like
World Championships in Doha and the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Staffan Jönsson, my coach, and the sponsorship provided by Mellby
Although many people view these events as fantastic achievements, Gård that I can make my dream come true.”
Petersson entirely focused on the future. His training schedule is
packed – two sessions a day, five days a week.