P. 3
“Welcome to
our new magazine”
This year, we are trying out something new – an Annual Magazine
rather than a Yearbook. Honestly, this should be regarded not as
a revolution, but as an evolution in how we choose to present the
various businesses and engagements at Mellby Gård. I hope you
will find it interesting and worth a read, as we have chosen to
alternate our traditional company presentations with in-depth
information and interviews with people who are important to us
and what we do.
These are troubled times, and in the last two years we have endured a
pandemic resulting in restrictions and changes in consumer attitudes,
unprecedented inflation, and now a tragic invasion taking place not
far from our borders. Everything else is overshadowed by the invasion and our
thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine and everyone directly and
indirectly affected by what is happening. In the meantime, we are longing and
hope for a peaceful solution.
Thanks to a strong balance sheet resulting from a successful 2021, interesting
opportunities will be created in 2022. We will go on being forward-thinking
when it comes to new investments and acquisitions. That said, our balance
sheet also gives us a sense of security in these troubled times, where people
are seeing inflation, high energy costs and general uncertainty.
Despite these troubled times, I hope you find this new format interesting.
I also hope you enjoy reading the magazine, which presents new insights and
perspectives from our operations.
Johan Andersson