P. 1

PUBLISHED BY MELLBY GÅRD AB                                                                 2021

 “We are well prepared

for new investments and


                2021 was undeniably a turbulent year, where the pandemic continued to
             affect us. But despite the volatility caused by restrictions, recommendations

                 and rapid fluctuations in consumer attitudes, Mellby Gård managed to
                 achieve its best result ever thanks to the hard work and commitment of

                                            staff at our group of companies.

Vattenresurs restores             Kappahl is ready 		

balance in our lakes              for growth

Nature itself can take centuries  Growth and sustainability can be
to eliminate eutrophication –     combined. To achieve this, we have to
while Vattenresurs can see a      take responsibility for the whole value
difference in just a few days.    chain, from design to production and,
                                  eventually, the user phase.
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