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   ”Great commitment and
     effort have gone into

Mellby Gård’s best year ever”

      2021 was undeniably a turbulent year, where the pandemic continued
             to affect us. But despite the volatility caused by restrictions,

       recommendations and rapid fluctuations in consumer attitudes, we
        managed to achieve our best result ever in the 36 years since Mellby
      Gård was founded. I am extremely impressed by the commitment and
       effort shown by all staff within our group of companies during these

                                          uncertain times.

We completed one successful sales during the year. After                        STANDING FIRM IN UNCERTAIN TIMES
                almost 25 years in the parking industry, initially as the sole  At the time of writing, an event is unfolding that is overshadowing
                owner of Cale and then as the second biggest owner of           everything else: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Our thoughts are with
 Flowbird, the company formed in 2018 by the merger of Cale and its             the people of Ukraine and everyone directly and indirectly affected
 competitor Parkeon, we have now left the sector.                               by what is happening. We hope that a peaceful solution will be
                                                                                found; but in the meantime, we will carry on with the outstanding
 WELL PREPARED FOR NEW ACQUISITIONS                                             humanitarian initiatives already taking place at the instigation of most
The sale is firmly in line with our values and the strategic direction we       of our companies. We stand firm and have the ability to help others in
 have decided to take over the last few years. It is important to us to         difficult times.
 ensure that industrial logic always leads the way. This is why we created
 Flowbird four years ago, secure in the knowledge that the synergies                Yet despite everything, interesting opportunities are being created
 were great and that by joining forces, Cale and Parkeon would be even          for 2022 thanks to our strong balance sheet. This gives us a sense
 stronger when it came to driving development in an ever-changing               of security in these troubled times, where people are seeing looming
 industry.                                                                      inflation, high energy costs and general uncertainty.

     This event is also part of our forthcoming strategy, which will
 involve digging where we stand, freeing up time and resources so that
 we can invest in areas where we believe our ownership model and
 expertise can be applied to the greatest effect. For instance, we know
– after almost 15 and 22 years respectively as owners of international
 businesses such as Roxtec and Feralco – we are well prepared to make
 further investments and acquisitions within the scope of different
 industrial applications and water treatment technologies. We are also
 well prepared to make some value-adding acquisitions alongside some
 of our other major holdings.

                                                                                   Johan Andersson,
                                                                                CEO, Mellby Gård AB

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