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ABOUT US                                          8 18

Mellby Gård is a family-owned, long-term          WICTOR IS HEADING FOR
investor that endeavours to preserve the
entrepreneurial spirit of its companies. Being    THE OLYMPICS
the biggest shareholder in each company is
a fundamental part of the business model.         The World Championships are to be held in the
Being this shareholder provides the right         US this summer, and Wictor hopes to reach the
opportunities to set the strategic agenda         final. But his dream is to compete at the 2024
and assume overall responsibility for the         Olympics in Paris. There, the aim is to win a
development of the company.                       medal.

    Mellby Gård currently has a presence in       10                                                 DUNI GROUP ON
four verticals: industry, consumer goods,                                                            THEIR TRANSITION
agriculture and services. From an overall                                                            TO CIRCULARITY
portfolio perspective, a balance between
these is important in order to spread the                                                            Duni will have achieved full circularity by
risks. There are currently no plans to invest                                                        2030 and is leading the industry towards a
in new verticals, although this is not ruled out                                                     world where we give more than we take.
for the future.
                                                  FC ROSENGÅRD HELPS                                  VATTENRESURS CREATES
Mellby Gård was founded in 1986 when Rune         PEOPLE TO DREAM BIG                                 CLEAN LAKES AND A
Andersson acquired the Mellby Gård farm in                                                            HEALTHY NATURE
Sösdala. Initially, the company only conducted    The ambition: to create an equal Malmö where
agricultural operations and, for a few years,     all districts and people are included, where all    The company has been using a patented
expansion was achieved within Andersson           children and families dare to dream and have        technology since the 1990s to clean lakes
& Bennet. In 1995, a 50 percent holding in        goals for their future.                             and ponds. The results of their process can
Älvsbyhus and a 100 percent holding in                                                                be seen after just a few days!
Söderberg & Haak was acquired. The two            12
companies remain in the Group today.                                                                 36
                                                  TEACH FOR SWEDEN:

The three cornerstones of our business mod-       Every child should be able to be the best version
el, the Mellby model, are a long-term view,       of themselves and choose their own futures.
active corporate governance and partnership.      This is the starting point for Teach for Sweden
Our objective is to take our companies from       Foundation, an organisation that help talented
promising to leading. For us, it is fundamental   academics take the leap and become valued
to gradually develop the full potential of our    teachers.
holdings. We achieve this by being active
owners, maintaining a close dialogue with                                                            KAPPAHL AIMS TO
the management of the companies and,
through shareholder partnership with them,                                                           CELEBRATE DIVERSITY
generating opportunities for them to share in
the value they build.                                                                                IN EVERYDAY LIFE

    Mellby Gård’s objective – to help companies                                                      If 2020 involved dealing with the challenges
make the transition from promising to leading                                                        presented by the pandemic and planning for
– describes the direction in which companies                                                         increased growth, 2021 was the year in which
should develop, while also confirming the                                                            Kappahl made the successful transition from
value of all portfolio companies.                                                                    talk to action!


produced by Aspekta AB in partnership with
Mellby Gård AB

Johan Andersson, Mellby Gård AB

Susanne Canerstam, Mellby Gård AB
Sara Lindblad, Aspekta AB

Peter Forsnor, Ingela Söneder
Trademark Malmö AB

André deLoisted Photography
Philip Tönning, Aspekta AB
The companies’ own photos
Picture on page 2, Vincent van Gogh

Exakta, Malmö

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