P. 7
DUNI GROUP.............................. p18 KAPPAHL ................................... p36 KLARAHILL ...............................p56
• The pandemic has continued to affect • Strong sales and earnings growth. • Acquisition of three funeral homes (ten
• Embarked upon a Group-wide journey of
operations, with a number of countries offices).
seeing extensive restrictions and rapid digitalisation. • New partnerships for pensions, insurance,
changes. Price increases on supplies • New visual identity, including an updated
have also created pressure in respect of banking, accounting, brokerage and legal
costs and inflation. logo. services.
• Duni Group made a decision to apply an • Launch of “The Process Challenge”,
updated strategy with the aim of being OPEN AIR GROUP..................... p40 Sweden’s first national case competition
the industry leader in sustainability by • Acquisition of WeHunt. for law students studying family law.
2030. • Acquisition of Aclima.
• A number of sustainability initiatives • A contract was signed for a bigger new PERITUSKLINIKEN ...................p58
such as fossil-free Airlaid and Dunicel • Increased visibility towards the Swedish
products, a biogas plant for production in warehouse.
Skåpafors and investments in European regions in order to complement
companies with re-use products. Duni OSCAR JACOBSON....................p42 Swedish healthcare.
Group have also joined the UN Global • Opening of the store at NK Stockholm, • Contract with Region Skåne to ease
Compact. the burden of the regional healthcare
with 50 per cent more space. services, and also with all insurance
FERALCO.................................... p20 • A fourth outlet store opens at the companies offering health insurance in
• Acquisition of Venator Wasserchemie in Sweden.
Stockholm Quality Outlet in Barkarby, • Cooperation with private healthcare
Germany and the remaining 50 per cent and the second-hand store Sustain by providers to reduce public healthcare
of Feracid in France. Oscar Jacobson opens in Vasastan in queues, offering knee and hip
• Difficult challenges as the price of Stockholm. replacement surgery, for example.
transport and commodities rises. • New geographical markets thanks
• Mellby Gård representative Mikael to retailers in the Netherlands (De STUDENTCONSULTING .......... p60
Helmerson took over as chairman. Bijenkorf) and Ukraine (Tsum). • Turnover broke the billion krona mark,
VATTENRESURS.........................p22 SMARTEYES ...............................p44 increasing by SEK 300 million to SEK 1.2
• The Ullnasjön 2021–2022 research • Record earnings for 2021. billion with doubling of profits.
• Smarteyes is Sweden’s most widely • The industry’s most satisfied customers
partnership on the functioning of the for the seventh consecutive year.
methodology in shallow lakes. recommended optician. • 15,878 jobs were filled in 2021.
• New wharf in November 2021. More • Opened seven new stores in total – 3 in
functional work spaces in Kungsängen BM AGRI .................................... p68
for off-season maintainance and service. Sweden, 3 in Denmark and 1 in Germany • Three-year agreement focusing on
• Cooperation with Race For The Baltic – and launched 12 new collections,
for a healthier Baltic Sea, UnderWater including the new, eco-friendly Elements. enhanced sustainability signed with The
Restoration subproject, from February Absolut Company.
2021 to December 2022. ACADEMEDIA ........................... p50 • The price of stored oats per kg (SEK 1 per
• A number of new education profiles in kg) rose by 50 per cent in six months.
HEDSON TECHNOLOGIES*..... p26 • Positive and friendly development at the
• Built a robust comprehensive business compulsory education. new head office in Lidköping.
• Acquisition of Swedish Education Group,
plan for 2022–2024, based on the SÖDERBERG & HAAK ..............p70
company’s strong position, leadership which runs primary schools, secondary • Market share doubled for Deutz-Fahr.
in technology and strong brands. Focus schools and adult education under • Resale agreement with Traktor Nord
on the technology shift in the industry, the brands Enskede Byskola, Snitz,
including implementation of an new Cybergymnasiet, Donnergymnasiet and for Mälardalen and Maskin Väst for
digital business system. KYH. Värmland and Närke.
• Record year for the curing part of the • AcadeMedia staff made impressive • Joined forces with Bomag to supply to
industrial segment. efforts throughout the pandemic, which key rental companies and major asphalt
• Restructuring of operations in France. required rapid adjustments on a number companies.
of occasions.
ROXTEC ......................................p28 ERIKSBERG HOTEL
• Magnus Holmberg takes over as new AROS KAPITAL ..........................p52 & NATURE RESERVE................. p74
• Strong growth in sales by 35 per cent • Participation in the Archipelago Walk
CEO of Roxtec.
• Roxtec sets a new sales target of to SEK 566 million, and profitability for linking up the Blekinge archipelago
doubled to SEK 200 million. with bridges, footbridges and walking
SEK 3 billion for 2025. • Strong development in London, with an experiences.
• Purchase of a new property in Tulsa, extended team and establishment in • The first Caucasian wisent was born and
Ireland and Norway. a record 14 Père David's deer were born.
Oklahoma in the US, relocation planned • Management team reinforced by a new • Breakthrough for the evening safari with
for 2022 and inauguration of a new office credit manager, chief legal officer and a thermal camera and a live camera
building in Karlskrona. business area managers. broadcasting from the day-to-day life of
the countryside, 24 hours a day.
ÄLVSBYHUS............................... p30 EXCALIBUR ................................p54
• Largest in Sweden for the twenty-second • Excalibur celebrated its twentieth AGRICULTURE AND
year in a row. birthday. ACTIVITIES.................................p78
• Greater sales stability in Norway. The • Excalibur was nominated as one of • Restructuring of livestock production on
market in Finland stepped up its pace. Europe’s top three fixed income hedge account of high operating costs.
• Production targets were met despite high funds. • Expansion of the forest area by around
• The fund’s managed assets grew by 20
numbers of staff on sick leave. per cent in 2021. 130 hectares in accordance with the long-
term growth strategy.
• Establishment of renewable energy with
a solar panel system.
*Hedson Technologies was sold to Storskogen in March 2022.