P. 37


Ensuring long-term growth
 focusing on sustainability

        and circularity

Duni Group enables people to socialize around good food and drink,
in restaurants and at home. Even though the company’s operations

  were affected by the pandemic in the spring and then by the war
in Ukraine, sales increased in the second half of the year, while the

    company also made great strides in the area of sustainability.

When the restrictions were lifted in the spring, the industry               “With accompanying inflation and rising energy and raw material
               received a huge boost, according to Robert Dackeskog, CEO  costs, we have worked consistently to implement price increases for
               of Duni Group. People wanted to meet up, eat and travel    our products and services,” says Robert Dackeskog. “However, the
again. Festivals, parties and weddings finally took place. The HoReCa     consequences of the current geopolitical situation remain uncertain,
(Hotel/Restaurant/Café) market started to recover.                        including the impact on the buying behavior of end consumers.”

  “The third quarter, which was the first full quarter that was not          Duni Group’s takeaway segment grew strongly during the
affected by any restrictions, saw a sales increase of 26.2 percent, and   pandemic, buying behavior that has continued. The outlook is also
we delivered an operating profit that was historically strong,” says      positive in terms of the HoReCa market continuing its recovery.
Robert Dackeskog.
                                                                            “The key to moving forward as an organization is to be adaptable,”
   As the pandemic loosened its grip, Europe had already entered a        says Robert Dackeskog. “We train our leaders to lead in times of
new crisis – the war in Ukraine. At the outbreak of war, Duni Group       uncertainty and change. With that in mind, I’m optimistic about the
took an active stand against the invasion, closing down its operations    future.”
in Russia.

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