Page 15 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 15


In the “Changing Work Life” section, respondents were asked     of the industry, which often involve customer service work.
about issues related to general trends in the changing work
environment. Respondents strongly agreed that the ski re-       As for areas of improvement, nearly half of the respondents
sort industry enables international work. In connection with    expressed the view that the ski resort industry does not take
international work, the industry was also seen as well-net-     good care of its employees. While the majority of respond-
worked and engaged in international cooperation. Working in     ents agreed that leadership in the industry is fair and equita-
the ski resort and tourism industry is inherently internation-  ble, approximately four out of ten disagreed with this. Those
al, especially in northern tourism areas. The emphasis on ski   working in leadership roles in the industry were more likely to
instructors among the respondents, who are often seen as        believe that leadership in the industry is fair and equitable.
international operators, may have influenced the responses.
                                                                The “Changing Work Life” section did not include questions
On the other hand, respondents were most strongly in disa-      that would have been answered with open-text responses.
greement regarding whether the industry allows for remote       The responses in this section complement the findings re-
work or mobile work (67% disagreed with this). These re-        lated to the industry’s attractiveness and the development
sponses can be partly explained by the basic requirements       of education in the field.

Ski resort industry promotes entrepreneurship

	 12%	     24%	                                                 40%	             8%	 19%

Ski resort industry utilizes digitalization as a tool for work

	4	 20%	                                                        57%	             14%	 5

Ski resort industry enables remote or mobile work     29%	                       21%		9%


Ski resort industry enables flexible working                    49%	             16%	 4

	8%	 24%	

Ski resort industry enables working internationally

2	 	 12%	                                     51%	                               28%	 6

Ski resort industry is well-networked and collaborates internationally

	6%	 16%	                                            51%	                        15%	 12%

Ski resort industry takes good care of its employees                     45%	                      8%	

	10%	 35%	

In the ski resort industry, leadership is fair and equitable

	 12%	     29%	                                                    42%	          8%	 9%

In the ski resort industry, operations align with sustainable development goals

	7%	 25%	                                                          51%	          11%	 6%

Results of the Changing Work                  Completely disagree                Somewhat agree
Life statement matrix                         Somewhat disagree                  Completely agree
                                                                                 I don’t know

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