Page 14 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 14

The attractiveness of the industry from different roles
and groups’ perspectives

The results were analyzed not only at the overall level but   outlook. Ski instructors and those working in activity ser-  WORKFORCE ISSUES IN TOURISM AND SKI RESORT AREAS
also among different respondent groups. The differences       vices were particularly more critical when it came to one
among different respondent groups are mainly indicative       of the central challenges, which is the ability to provide
due to variations in group sizes. For example, there was      year-round employment. Ski instructors, those working
little difference in responses between genders.               in activity services, and ski resort employees expressed
                                                              more criticism regarding competitive wages. Those work-
Regarding age, young individuals under 25 years old, in       ing in accommodations, restaurants, and catering were
particular, find the ski resort industry attractive. They     more critical of the ease of arranging housing.
were significantly more in agreement with the following
statements: The ski resort industry is an attractive field    In addition to role-based analysis, supervisors’ views
for employees, it offers competitive employment benefits,     were compared to those of employees. Generally, super-
and it is an attractive career opportunity for young people.  visors had a more positive attitude toward the industry’s
                                                              attractiveness factors. When comparing supervisors and
The length of time working in the industry did not signif-    employees, supervisors had a significantly more positive
icantly affect the responses. Age may correlate with the      view of the ski resort industry offering reliable income
duration of employment in the field. Those with less than     and career opportunities.
four years of experience in the industry were more likely
to view the ski resort industry as an attractive career       In terms of geography, it’s important to remember
opportunity for young people and believe that it offers       that the data is weighted towards Finnish industry
competitive employment benefits.                              participants. Although regional results are indicative,
                                                              they are interesting to examine. The most significant
When examining the results by job roles, it’s important to    differences in assessments were the more negative
note that the data is weighted towards ski instructors. Ski   views of North American respondents regarding
instructors were generally more critical of the industry’s    employment benefits, career opportunities for young
attractiveness compared to other roles, while respondents     people, reliable income, year-round employment in the
in leadership or development positions had a more positive    industry, and competitive wages.

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