Page 25 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 25

In Finland, there are approximately 70 ski resorts, most       things, the meeting of employees and employers in
of which belong to the Finnish Ski Area Association. The       the best possible way. They also collaborate closely
largest resorts are international holiday destinations.        and genuinely want to help businesses and employees.
These centres and the tourism areas around them                Various measures, such as improving recruitment and
employ a large number of people, especially during the         clarifying the process of obtaining international labour
peak season. All resorts offer comprehensive winter            permits, are underway.
sports activities and, increasingly, services during the
off-season as well. The customer base of these centres         Based on the situation described above, as a collabora-
includes local residents, people from nearby areas, and        tive initiative, we organised two information sessions
international travellers.                                      (October 13, 2023, and January 11, 2024) in cooperation
                                                               with the Centre for Economic Development, Transport
As the project progressed, it became apparent in               and the Environment and public employment and busi-
various contexts that existing support measures were           ness services, and the Finnish Ski Area Association.
poorly reaching businesses. Some companies may                 The aim was to provide ski resorts with information
not be aware of support for international recruitment,         about the support services mentioned above. In addi-
work permits, or short training programs for job seek-         tion, our idea was to encourage ski resorts to explore
ers, such as hygiene certificates or other certificate         the availability of support services and to be in con-
courses. Thus, companies may use their resources for           tact with service providers with a low threshold. The
something for which financial, temporal, and instruc-          collaborative initiative offered a new way for services
tional support is available elsewhere.                         to become part of companies’ everyday life through an
                                                               industry association.
In the daily life of companies, it can be challenging to find
time for tasks such as developing recruitment processes,       Guiding and encouraging entrepreneurs to use support
orientation, or identifying and offering additional and        services is important for several reasons. In addition to
supplementary training for staff. These challenges are         saving resources for businesses, it ultimately improves
likely to arise especially in seasonal industries and in       the encounter between labour and employers in a
job positions where obtaining labour is challenging due        way that benefits both parties the most, and through
to labour market imbalance problems, rapid changes in          experience, operations can be further developed. The
personnel needs, or tasks requiring authorization.             TE24 reform is also expected to bring progress in this
                                                               area, and it is what the reformed employment areas are
The Centres for Economic Development, Transport and            currently working on.
the Environment as well as public employment and
business services are working to promote, among other

Are you an employer? You should familiarize
yourself with at least these available services:

TE-services – For employers                                    Employer services (in Finnish)
TE- services – Job Market Finland
TE- services – Job Market Finland                              Pay subsidy for the wage costs of an employee
TE- services – Job Market Finland
                                                               Hiring an employee from abroad 
TE- services – Hiring int’l workforce
TE- services – Recruit like a pro service                      Work in Finland – free employer advice to support
ELY-centre – Services
                                                               Hiring international workforce (in Finnish)

                                                               Information service for the self-employed and

                                                               Services for companies and communities (in

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