Page 21 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 21


                                                           Explore the results of the
                                                           survey conducted by the
                                                            project in more detail in

                                                               the survey report:

                                                                Read report here

“It’s also good to remember that
without retention, there won’t be
attraction in the long run.”

Said in the project workshop

The youngest group of respondents, those under 25, had     A functioning network is of great
a more positive outlook on all aspects of the survey com-  importance
pared to other age groups. This presents a challenge in
terms of how to maintain the interest of young individu-   Tourism is connected to many industries, each with its
als already in the industry and keep them engaged.         own skill needs. However, the common factor is working
                                                           together in the context of ski resort areas, understanding
Salary, housing, and career                                that different actors together form a wide tourism industry
opportunities as the most significant                      entity. The whole is more than the sum of its parts because
challenges                                                 different actors complement each other. While companies
                                                           compete with each other within tourism areas, and there is
The factors that diminish the industry’s attractiveness    competition between tourism areas, cooperation is crucial
and pose retention challenges include the perception       in growing the common “cake”. Leadership in development
that the industry does not offer remote or mobile work     work is often assumed to be the responsibility of the region-
opportunities, difficulties in arranging housing near ski  al organisation or business development services when, in
resorts, and the perception that the industry does not     reality, responsibility lies with all stakeholders together.
provide competitive salaries. Following closely behind
these three critical factors is the industry’s ability to  The competence of companies,
enable year-round work. This factor is linked to the fact  entrepreneurs, supervisors, and
that a fairly significant group, 42% of all respondents,   employees should serve the whole
felt that the industry does not currently offer oppor-
tunities for career advancement. Additionally, 52% of      Ensuring competence is a collective effort within the
respondents felt that the industry is not an attractive    tourism industry and is not limited to a single tourism area,
career option for young individuals.                       making it crucial to share best practices. Basic skills in the
                                                           industry repeat similarly regardless of location. Utilizing
Addressing year-round work, salary levels, and housing     both accumulated and tacit knowledge is important.
opportunities requires comprehensive development.          Developing local expertise, defining common practices,
Based on these insights, a central question regarding      and establishing a local work culture are the responsibili-
future employment especially in the ski resort areas of    ties of the tourism area and its companies. The volume of
Northern Finland is: how to attract not only essential     tourism activities determines how specific or broad the
but also skilled labor to the region and provide them      skill requirements are; in small resorts, employees do a bit
with a work and leisure environment that encourages        of everything, while in larger ones, competence is special-
them to seize the opportunity, commit, and motivate        ized by job roles.
them to stay in the area more permanently?

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