Page 22 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 22


We began to address the workforce     The Centre for Economic                                     SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS FOR WORKFORCE CHALLENGES
issues that emerged in the survey     Development, Transport and
and in discussions with various       the Environment assisting
stakeholders during the project. The  in understanding workforce
goal of the cooperation initiatives   challenges
we implemented during the project
was to bring the right stakeholders   According to the surveys conducted by the Centre
to the same table to discuss          for Economic Development, Transport and the
common workforce challenges           Environment, labour market imbalance problems will
so that the problems could be         continue to be a challenge in the future. Here, imbal-
understood, and the solution          ance refers to the compatibility between the demand
processes could be initiated.         and supply of labour (or lack there of), i.e. how well the
                                      needs of employers and the skills, characteristics, and
                                      goals of job seekers match each other. The factors
                                      influencing the imbalance involve various stakeholders
                                      and simultaneous processes that influence each other.

                                      There are several stakeholders influencing the imbal-
                                      ance. The actor field featured in the Future Labour
                                      Markets project includes a wide range of regional and
                                      national entities. In our project, stakeholders include
                                      the public sector, regions, municipalities, employment
                                      offices, Centres for Economic Development, Transport

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