Page 23 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 23

of workforce and industry structure. Therefore, data
                                                             collection and support measures must be largely local,
                                                             bearing in mind that it is important to share information
                                                             and best practices across regions.

and the Environment, educational organisations and           Sizeable requirements are set for available data,
institutions, business services, companies, and actors in    such as openness, comparability, and shared use.
the non-profit sector.                                       Simultaneously, to enhance efficiency and avoid du-
                                                             plication of work especially in development projects,
The network of actors is susceptible to change; for          discussion between actors should be encouraged.
example, during our project, the significance of the TE24
reform became prominent. Regional reforms significantly      Labour market challenges bring
alter the already complex network of actors and the over-    stakeholders together
all structure of services. Different actors may not neces-
sarily be familiar with each other, existing structures, or  It is an opportune time to discuss the power and challeng-
networks well enough to facilitate smooth cooperation.       es of the network. There are several ongoing projects that
                                                             promote tackling issues related to labour market imbal-
At the core of the change should be designing services       ance and working life. For example, the Future Labour
to be user-friendly, with the goal of minimizing even        Markets and Work2030 coordination projects managed by
the smallest barriers to accessing them. The operating       the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the
and service environment should be made favourable for        Environment work in these thematic areas. Development
businesses and easily accessible to workers from diverse     actors should be aware of these projects as they provide a
backgrounds.                                                 framework for labour market issues, where measures and
                                                             mutually beneficial support actions are developed.
Challenges in data collection and
utilization                                                  In terms of the collaboration initiatives of the Future of
                                                             Snowsport Industry project, the following parties emerged
Efforts are made at the national and regional levels         as key stakeholders:
to collect labour market information. Centres for            •	 Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the
Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
actively collect data and bring stakeholders together,          Environment, background information and previous
facilitating the planning of measures to develop job and        projects
business services, among other things. Using data for        •	 Public employment and business services (TE
decision-making is part of labour market thematics.             Services) and TE24 change actors
Information is available for those who seek it, but can it   •	 Secondary schools, Kittilä gymnasium and REDU Levi
be effectively utilised? Is the data suitable for forecast-     Institute, and Levi Snow Sport Academy
ing, up-to-date, accurate, understandable, and easily        •	 Educational and training institutions of Rovaniemi
accessible?                                                     Municipal Federation of Education REDU
                                                             •	 Lapland University Consortium, Lapland University of
The information collected from the ski resort industry          Applied Sciences and University of Lapland
needs to be placed in a broader context, and stake-          •	 Regional developers Kideve Kittilä Development and
holders from various sectors should be included in the          Fell Lapland Development
discussion. No single piece of data or statistics neces-     •	 Levi tourism area organisation Visit Levi
sarily provides a complete picture of the labour market      •	 Tourism area companies, entrepreneur associations
situation, but information and experiences from various         and unions
sources fuse together. The reliability and comprehen-        •	 Industry organisations such as the Finnish Ski Area
siveness of data raise many questions, which were also          Association, Lapin Matkailuyhdistys ry, Suomen
discussed during our project.                                   Hiihdonopettajat ry, and the Finnish Lapland Tourist
The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and           •	 Sporting club Levi Ski Club
the Environment has highlighted challenges related to
data, such as the fact that not all labour demand be-        In our collaboration initiatives, we considered activities
comes visible. Additionally, classification, the breadth     at the national, regional, and local levels, which brought
of skills and professions, and industry definitions can      a wide network of stakeholders into the project. In
make data collection and interpretation challenging.         these collaboration initiatives, we examined labour-re-
Moreover, different regions emphasize different aspects      lated questions from the perspectives of various actors
                                                             and roles.

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