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DANIR 2023 | Our sub-groups                                                                                         62


Tomorrow’s tech company
a leader in care and customer

Nexer is a global full-service provider in the fields of  tributing and taking responsibility, both inside and
digitalisation, tech, and engineering. In the expert      outside the workplace. That’s why we are involved in
areas of strategy, technology, and communication,         several initiatives with a focus on education, gender
we help our customers create value and success in a       equality, and inclusion. Our involvement, which we
digital world. We combine entrepreneurial drive and       call Nexer Cares, takes different forms. In the Nexer
long-term partnerships with cutting-edge technology       Future Leader Program, young people with the
in future skills, such as AI, machine learning, com-      ambition to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs and
puter vision, digital twins, cloud, and IT security. Our  leaders receive training and inspiration in areas such
strong global growth is surpassing the market, and we     as entrepreneurship, leadership, and communication.
currently operate in 15 countries, with Portugal, the
Czech Republic, and Ireland added during the year.           Together with Kodcentrum, which introduces chil-
                                                          dren to programming and digital creation, we have
NEXER CARES – WITH A PROMISE OF A                         carried out several coding meetups during the year
BETTER FUTURE                                             and served on the jury in the Coding Challenge.
In our vision – Promising Future – there is a promise
of a better future. And we feel strongly about con-          We have a long-running partnership with Star
                                                          for Life that allows the students at Dlilanga High
                                                          School in South Africa to participate in Star for Life’s
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