Page 65 - Danir_Arsbok2023_ENG_DiPDF
P. 65


                                      L ARS KRY, NEXER GROUP

A company builder with
 a passion for business
and making a difference.

        One thing that all of Danir’s many holdings have in common is success in one
        form or another. Of course, success can take many forms: prodigious growth,
        unique expertise, enormous profits. Many of our holdings are successful on all

          three fronts and another thing many of them have in common is Lars Kry,
                          a native of Västergötland born and bred in Kinna.

    He describes himself as energetic, always on the go,        big or small. I get just as much of a kick out of
    driven, someone who likes things to move quickly,           helping an elderly person cross the street as I do out
    and a natural competitor. When we sit down to talk,         of helping a company to grow,” says Lars regarding
    however, the lasting impression is of someone who           what he is passionate about.
    is calm, thoughtful, self-aware and down to earth.
    That said, one senses his drive, passion to succeed,           Lars shouldered a leadership role early in his
    to be the best and to build. Still, Lars has been doing     professional life; he was only 21 when he took on his
    this for so long now, and with such success, that he        first management position. Naturally, this was a big
    can control his energy and expend it when needed            responsibility and many of his colleagues were almost
    and in just the right amount. With so much experi-          twice his age, which presented a challenge in itself.
    ence and success as a leader, and his self-insight, he      Still, if there’s one thing Lars relishes, it’s a challenge.
    has managed to package all of that drive, passion and       And he took the challenge of being sales manager at
    competitive instinct as warm-hearted self-assurance.        Telia seriously and developed himself and his depart-
                                                                ment for eight years before seeking new challenges
       “I like to drive change, to be involved, I like to help  as head of business development for the multi-
    and perform services that make a difference, whether        national staffing and recruitment agency Manpower.
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