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67  LARS KRY                                                Our sub-groups | DANIR 2023

    it’s always best if people work with what they’re good  move and this time he remains within the Danir
    at. Then again, I make sure that I’m clear about my     Group. As it turns out, discarding the Sigma brand
    expectations of an employee. This makes life easier     to become the Nexer Group is a stroke of genius.
    and employees appreciate it when it is clear what the   Despite a pandemic, Nexer is a roaring success and
    objective is and what part they have in achieving it,”  Lars can add another successful chapter to his story.
    says Lars, as we continue to discuss leadership.
                                                               “I love to build up a company and I’m passionate
       Over the years, Lars has formulated his lead-        about business. It’s putting all of the building blocks
    ership style in three parts: a cool mind – focus on     in the right place that drives me. It’s hard work and it
    the strategic and have control over the analysis of     demands some sacrifices, but I have no regrets. Per-
    a situation; a firm hand – focus on clarity, direction  haps I would have regrets if I hadn’t had such good
    and staying safe and standing firm in a storm; and a    relationships with my loved ones,” says Lars about
    warm heart – it is important to show that you care      what it takes to build companies and lead groups at
    about your employees, people in general and the         a high level.
    society and world around you.
                                                               Lars is an active person, constantly seeking
       In February 2021, Lars and his colleagues went       something else to do. When he is not busy building
    one step further, not quite eight years since his last  businesses, he likes to work out, preferably every
                                                            day: a trip to the gym, a few hours of kickboxing or
                                                            a long run. If there is any time left over, the gap can
                                                            be filled by taking care of the family’s five horses.
                                                            While sitting still is not his strong point, he may
                                                            occasionally cast an envious glance at those who
                                                            can and who enjoy simply being. Still, Lars loves
                                                            nothing more than always having something to do,
                                                            something to build, and then he will do it to very
                                                            best of his abilities. Preferably in the long term and
                                                            ideally for eight years.

“	I get just as much of a kick out of helping
	 an elderly person cross the street as I do
	 out of helping a company to grow.”

                                                            Scan the QR code
                                                            and see more of Lars
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