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DANIR 2023 | Our sub-groups                                                                                   70


Our 3,000 employees and HR-Tech
increase companies’ productivity.

The PION Group works to maximise the ability of       are one of the sector’s largest companies and thus
people and companies to achieve peak performance      contribute to integration and diversity. Our current
through competence, technology and strategy.          workforce consists of employees from over 50
Human resources will continue to be the hub for       countries. Studies show that staffing and recruit-
growth and we are convinced that new technology       ment companies have more success in integrating
will quickly improve and accelerate human produc-     foreign-born workers into society.
tivity. This is why we combine human resources with
tech resources.                                          We also collaborate with higher education
                                                      institutions, folk high schools and the Swedish Public
   We represent consultancy firms working in          Employment Service on Korta Vägen (Shortcut), a
fields such as IT, engineering and strategy. We also  project to fast-track those born outside Sweden who
work with interim management, executive search,       have at least three years of higher education into
HR-Tech, recruitment and staffing.                    the Swedish labour market. We hold training courses
                                                      and seminars for jobseekers on subjects such as
   PION Group AB is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm        succeeding in interviews. We also offer internships
Small Cap.                                            in various group companies, which in many cases
                                                      have led to employment.
GREATER PARTICIPATION IN SOCIETY                         We are an active partner in the Öppet Hus (Open
According to Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Central-  House) mentoring programme, which aims to open
byrån), the competence provision sector employs       doors for young people to enter the labour market,
approximately 45 per cent of Sweden’s foreign-born    especially those who are new to Sweden.
workforce. With just over 3,000 employees, we
                                                         We also have an extensive programme of initia-
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