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69                                                                                              Our sub-groups | DANIR 2023

      new colleagues into our community, where we cham-      EMPLOYEES, FTE                                  -17%
      pion and support one another as we strive towards
      common goals. Caring for one another and develop-      125                                             125
      ing together are important to us here at A Society.                                                    150
          To strengthen our bonds, we hold many joint        2022
      activities and encourage a culture of celebrating
      one another’s achievements, and we always have         ANNUAL GROWTH RATE
      exciting projects underway and waiting around the
      corner. We support each other through various            3%                               6%
      forums for business development and knowledge
      sharing. Not only does this kind of culture create a   Tot al , 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3         CAGR total,
      wonderful work environment, but it also helps us to                                       2018-2023
      improve our results. It also means that we can proac-
      tively solve problems and offer specialised, premium          6%
      solutions to both our consultants and our customers.
                                                             CAGR organic,
          “	Passion and execution are the                      2018-2023
            foundation of a leadership culture in
            which our employees are comfortable              REVENUE 2019-2023                               MSEK
            making their own decisions.”
                                                                                                1 867        1 931
      Over the course of the year, we have helped more       1 695                       1 640
      than 1,400 consultants get assignments. We have
      also welcomed a score of new customers, pro-                      1 563
      viding them with access to technology experts at
      the cutting edge of the market and increasing our      2019       2020             2021   2022         2023
      turnover by 3% and making a healthy profit. These
      are figures that we can be proud of. While we have
      certainly enjoyed a good year, we are not content to
      rest on our laurels. We continue to build a modern
      consultancy firm through the efforts of passionate,
      dynamic people. Our successful recruitment strategy
      and positioning towards the technology sector and
      premium services is reflected in both our excellent
      MMI of 4.3 and in the fine results achieved.

          GROUP CEO

      Jeanette Rumenius

   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74