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Our sub-groups | DANIR 2022
A restless and stubborn workaholic with a passion for helping others achieve
success. This is how P-O Malm, President and CEO of A Society, describes himself.
And he is certainly someone who appreciates long relationships. One of his longest
and dearest began in 1991. P-O was on his way home from Borgafjäll. And during
a coffee break on the train platform in Ulriksfors, he started talking to a girl from
Västerbotten. That conversation has continued to this day and resulted in a mecha-
tronics engineer and a national economist. And two cats named Alex and Sigge.
P-O holds a master’s degree in Electrical Engineer- to strive to be part of something meaningful and
ing. He is also trained as a reserve officer in the exciting. At the same time, pay attention to details.
Marines. He received his military training at the height
of the Cold War, during a time when it was often the P-O joined Assistera in 2007, and when Danir
defence industry that pushed technology forward. bought the company in 2017, he was involved in the
formation of A Society. When Thomas Goréus retired
“ There’s no denying that we’re from his CEO position at A Society in April 2021,
doing well, and one of our future P-O took over from his good friend and mentor.
goals is for our operations in the
US to become as successful as “I had never really thought about the CEO role,
they are in Sweden.” but when my colleagues wanted me to take over
from Thomas, I was both happy and proud,” says
– Per-Ola Malm P-O about the internal support he received when
he started as CEO.
“It was in the military that my interest in high tech-
nology grew. I saw that tech could contribute to our His employees clearly have confidence in P-O’s
security and our democracy. Back then, our freedom leadership and faith in the company, as over the past
wasn’t something we could take for granted,” recalls year sales have increased by 15% and earnings by 50%.
P-O, when asked how his reserve officer training
influenced his career path. “There’s no denying that we’re doing well, and one
of our future goals is for our operations in the US to
After graduating from LTH in 1990, P-O joined become as successful as they are in Sweden,” says
Saab, where he was involved in developing control P-O about A Society’s good results and future ambi-
systems for Australian Collins submarines and for the tions. “After getting profitability up to a healthy level,
Swedish JAS 39 Gripen. Two years later, his next long we’re now pushing the envelope considerably and
and rather passionate relationship began – the one aiming for growth of over 20%. We want to become
with the technology consulting industry. a growth company. It’s a major undertaking that will
require us to continue to tune our core business
“I guess I’d say I’m someone who knows a little while adding new service areas to our offerings.”
about a lot, except when it comes to the technology
consulting industry. I know a lot about that,” declares Being stubborn and restless is all well and good,
P-O of his many years in the industry. but his meticulousness, commitment, hands-on app-
roach and informal attitude are the personal qualities
He has held various managerial roles in the indus- P-O uses the most. And when you consider that he’s
try since 1996. Over time, his extensive experience also someone who finds happiness, satisfaction and
has shaped his leadership. He wants to inspire people confirmation in the success of others, you know you
have a skilled leader who will withstand the test of
time. That creates stability and trust for customers,
consultants and employees.